Jeffrey Hittinger
- Program Years: 1996-2000
- Academic Institution: University of Michigan
- Field of Study: Aerospace Engineering and Scientific Computing
- Academic Advisor: Philip Roe
- Practicum(s):
Los Alamos National Laboratory (1997) - Degree(s):
Ph.D. Aerospace Engineering & Scientific Computing, University of Michigan, 2000
M.S. Applied Mathematics, University of Michigan, 1997
M.S.E. Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan, 1994
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Lehigh University, 1993
Current Status
- Status: Computational Scientist and Group Leader, Center for Applied Scientific Computing, LLNL
- Research Area: Computational plasma physics, High-order finite volume methods, Error estimation
P. McCorquodale, M. R. Dorr, J. A. F. Hittinger and P. Colella, High-order nite-volume methods for hyperbolic conservation laws on mapped
multiblock grids, J. Compt. Phys., 288 (2015), pp. 181-195.
J. M. Connors, J. W. Banks, J. A. Hittinger and C. S. Woodward, Quan-
tication of errors for operator-split advection-diusion calculations, Com-
put. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 272 (2014), pp. 181-197.
C. Olschanowsky, M. Mills Strout, S. Guzik, J. Loffeld and J. Hittinger,
A Study on Balancing Parallelism, Data Locality, and Recomputation in
Existing PDE Solvers, SC '14 Proc. Int. Conf. High Perf. Comput.,
Networking, Storage and Analysis (2014) pp. 793-804.
M. A. Dorf, R. H. Cohen, M. Dorr, T. Rognlien, J. Hittinger, J. Comp-
ton, P. Colella, D. Martin, and P. McCorquodale, Numerical modelling
of geodesic acoustic mode relaxation in a tokamak edge, Nuclear Fusion, 53
(2013) 063015.
M. A. Dorf, R. H. Cohen, M. Dorr, T. Rognlien, J. Hittinger, J. Compton,
P. Colella, D. Martin, and P. McCorquodale, Simulation of neoclassical
transport with the continuum gyrokinetic code COGENT. Phys. Plasmas,
20 (2013) 012513.
J. W. Banks, J. A. F. Hittinger, J. M. Connors and C. S. Woodward, A
method to calculate numerical errors using adjoint error estimation for
linear advection, SIAM J. Num. Anal., 51 (2013), pp. 894-926.
J. W. Banks, J. A. F. Hittinger, J. M. Connors and C. S. Woodward,
Numerical error estimation for nonlinear hyperbolic PDEs via error trans-
port, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 213 (2012),
pp. 1-15.
J. Banks, R. L. Berger, S. Brunner, B. I. Cohen and J. A. Hittinger, Two-
dimensional Vlasov simulation of electron plasma wave trapping, wave-
front bowing, self-focusing, and sideloss, Physics of Plasmas, 18 (2011),
P. Colella, M. R. Dorr, J. A. F. Hittinger, and D. F. Martin, High-order,
nite-volume methods in mapped coordinates, Journal of Computational
Physics, 230 (2011), pp. 2952-2976.
J. W. Banks and J. A. F. Hittinger, A new class of non-linear, nite-
volume methods for Vlasov simulation, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 38
(2010), pp. 2198-2207.
X. Q. Xu, E. Belli, K. Bodi, J. Candy, C. S. Chang, R. H. Cohen, P. Colella, A.
M. Dimits, M. R. Dorr, Z. Gao, J. A. Hittinger, S. Ko, S. Krasheninnikov, G. R.
McKee, W. M. Nevins, T. D. Rognlien, P. B. Snyder, J. Suh and M. V. Umansky
(2009) Dynamics of kinetic geodesic-acoustic modes and the radial electric field in tokamak neoclassical plasmas, Nuclear Fusion, 49:065023.
S. H. Glenzer, D. H. Froula, L. Divol, M. Dorr, R. L. Berger, S. Dixit, B. A.
Hammel, C. Haynam, J. A. Hittinger, J. P. Holder, O. S. Jones, D. H. Kalantar,
O. L. Landen, A. B. Langdon, S. Langer, B. J. MacGowan, A. J. Mackinnon, N.
Meezan, E. I. Moses, C. Niemann, C. H. Still, L. J. Suter, R. J. Wallace, E.
A. Williams, B. K. F. Young (2007) Experiments and multiscale simulations of laser
propagation through ignition-scale plasmas, Nature Physics, 3:716-719.
X. Q. Xu, Z. Xiong, M. R. Dorr, J. A. Hittinger, K. Bodi, J. Candy, B. I. Cohen,
R. H. Cohen, P. Colella, G. D. Kerbel, S. Krasheninnikov, W. M. Nevins, H. Qin,
T. D. Rognlien, P. B. Snyder and M. V. Umansky (2007) Edge gyrokinetic theory and continuum simulations, Nuclear Fusion, 47:809-816.
J. A. F. Hittinger and M. R. Dorr (2006) Improving the capabilities of a continuum
laser plasma interaction code, J. Phys.: Conf. Series, SciDAC 2006, 46:422-432.
J. A. F. Hittinger, M. R. Dorr, R. L. Berger, and E. A. Williams (2005) Simulating
time-dependent energy transfer between crossed laser beams in an expanding plasma, J. Comput. Phys., 209:695-729.
R. K. Kirkwood, E. A. Williams, B. I. Cohen, L. Divol, M. R. Dorr, J. A. Hittinger, A. B. Langdon, C. Niemann, J. Moody, L. J. Suter, O. L. Landen (2005) Saturation of power transfer between two copropagating laser beams by ion-wave scattering in a single-species plasma, Phys. Plasmas, 12:112701.
J. A. F. Hittinger and P. L. Roe (2004) Asymptotic analysis of the Riemann problem for constant coefficient hyperbolic systems with relaxation, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 84:452-471.
E. A. Williams, B. I. Cohen, L. Divol, M. R. Dorr, J. A. Hittinger, D. E. Hinkel,
A. B. Langdon, R. K. Kirkwood, D. H. Froula, and S. H. Glenzer (2004) Effects
of ion trapping on crossed-laser-beam stimulated Brillouin scattering, Phys. Plasmas, 11:231-244.
R. K. Kirkwood, J. D. Moody, A. B. Langdon, B. I. Cohen, E. A. Williams, M.
R. Dorr, J. A. Hittinger, R. Berger, P. E. Young, L. J. Suter, L. Divol, S. H.
Glenzer, and O. L. Landen (2002) Observation of saturation of energy transfer between copropagating beams in a flowing plasma, Phys. Rev. Lett., 89:215003(4).
M. R. Dorr, F. X. Garaizar, and J. A. F. Hittinger (2002) Simulation of Laser Plasma Filamentation Using Adaptive Mesh Refinement, Journal of Computational Physics, 177:233-263.
R. B. Lowrie, J. E. Morel, and J. A. Hittinger. (1999) The Coupling of Radiation and Hydrodynamics, The Astrophysical Journal, 521:432-450.
D. G. Harlow, H.-M. Lu, J. A. Hittinger, T. J. Delph, and R. P. Wei.(1996) A Three-Dimensional Model for the Probabilistic Intergranular Failure of Polycrystalline Arrays', Modeling and Simulations in Material Science and Engineering, 4:261-279
Frederick A. Howes Scholar in Computational Science, July 2001Distinguished Achievement Award in Graduate Studies,University of Michigan, March 1998