Benjamin Sonday
- Program Years: 2006-2010
- Academic Institution: Princeton University
- Field of Study: Dimensionality Reduction/Comp. Nonlin. Dynamics
- Academic Advisor: Yannis Kevrekidis
- Practicum(s):
Sandia National Laboratories, California (2009) - Degree(s):
Ph.D. Applied and Computational Mathematics, Princeton University, 2010
B.S. Mathematics and Physics, University of Michigan, 2006
Current Status
- Status: Associate, Goldman Sachs
- Research Area: Dimensionality Reduction/Comp. Nonlin. Dynamics
B. Sonday, M. Haataja, I. Kevrekidis, Coarse-graining the dynamics of a driven interface in the presence of mobile impurities: effective description via diffusion maps, Phys. Rev. E 80, 031102 (2009)B. Sonday, R. Berry, B. Debusschere, H. Najm, Eigenvalues of the Jacobian of a Galerkin-projected system, SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, accepted (2010)
C. Vandekerckhove, B. Sonday, A. Makeev, D. Roose, I. Kevrekidis, An approach for both the computation of coarse-scale steady state solutions and initialization on a slow manifold, Computers & Chemical Engineering , accepted (2010)
B. Sonday, A. Singer, C. W. Gear, I. Kevrekidis, Manifold learning techniques and model reduction applied to dissipative PDEs, submitted to SIAM Journal of Applied Dynamical Systems (2010)
B. Sonday, A. Singer, I. Kevrekidis, Processing noisy dynamic data in the presence of symmetries: alignment and model reduction, in preparation
B. Sonday, M. Henderson, I. Kevrekidis, Covering the slow submanifold using only a forward integrator: application of Multifario, in preparation
National Science Foundation Fellowship, deferred.Department of Defense Fellowship, declined.
Ralph Bodine Scholarship, Michigan Physics Department, $10000/year, 2003-2006 (Awarded to the most outstanding undergraduate physics major each year).
James B. Angell Scholar, University of Michigan, 2003-Current (Awarded for consistent, high GPA).
Most Outstanding Introductory Physics Student, Western Michigan University, 2001-2002.