James Dockery

  • Program Year: 1
  • Academic Institution: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Field of Study: Astronomy
  • Academic Advisor: Joaquin Drut
  • Practicum(s): Practicum Not Yet Completed
  • Degree(s):
    B.S. Astrophysics, College of Charleston, 2024


Currently, I am co-authoring an manuscript with my research advisor to summarize the results of our stellar activity projects. We plan to publish the manuscript in a peer-reviewed journal, most probably in the Astronomical Journal.
Dockery, J. A., Jr. (2023, Sept. 9). Monitoring Stellar Activity in AT Mic by Calculating the R’ Indicator. [Oral presentation]. Department Colloquium, College of Charleston Department of Physics and Astronomy, Charleston, SC.

Dockery, J. A., Jr. (2022, Sept. 15). Using CERES to Investigate Stellar Activity of AT Mic, AU Mic, and b Cen. [Oral presentation]. Department Colloquium, College of Charleston Department of Physics and Astronomy, Charleston, SC.

Dockery, J. A., Jr. (2021, Sept. 2). Using the CERES Pipeline to Investigate Stellar Activity. [Oral presentation]. Department Colloquium, College of Charleston Department of Physics and Astronomy, Charleston, SC.
Dockery, J. A., Jr. (2024, Jan. 11). An Observational Investigation of the Stellar Activity of AT Mic: Monitoring with Optical Spectroscopy and Ultraviolet Photometry Over Several Tens of Nights. [Poster presentation]. 243rd AAS Meeting, American Astronomical Society, New Orleans, LA.

Dockery, J.A., Jr. & Frederick, J.R. (2023, Aug. 21). Spectroscopic and Photometric Monitoring of AT Mic’s Stellar Activity. [Poster presentation]. Celebration of Summer Research, College of Charleston School of Science, Mathematics, and Engineering, Charleston, SC.

Dockery, J. A., Jr. (2023, Apr. 13). Using CERES to Investigate Stellar Activity of AT Mic, AU Mic, and b Cen. [Poster presentation]. 2023 Expo, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC.

Dockery, J. A., Jr. (2022, Aug. 22). Investigating the Effects of Episodic Stellar Activity on Planet Evolution. [Poster presentation]. Celebration of Scholars, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC.


College of Charleston President's List, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
NASA SC Space Grant Minorities in STEM Fellowship, 2021, 2022, 2023
Palmetto Fellows Scholarship, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Palmetto Fellows STEM Enhancement, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Sigma Xi Grants in Aid of Research, 2022
2nd Place Award for the Best Astronomy Poster Presentation, 2022
Summer Undergraduate Research with Faculty Grant, 2022