Raven Gallenstein

  • Program Year: 1
  • Academic Institution: Boston College
  • Field of Study: Computational Chemistry
  • Academic Advisor: Lucas Bao
  • Practicum(s): Practicum Not Yet Completed
  • Degree(s):
    M.S. Chemistry, Texas Woman's University, 2024; B.S. Chemistry, Texas Woman's University, 2022


Event: Texas Woman's University Celebration of Science 2022
Title: Environmental Redemption: Using Green Chemistry to Close the Polycarbonate Loop
Year: 2022
Event:ACS Summer School on Green Chemistry and Sustainable energy
Poster:“Closing the loop” of poly (bisphenol A carbonate) found in e-waste through
microwave-assisted alcoholysis.
Year: Summer 2022 (Master Program)

Event: ACS Southwest Regional Meeting
Poster: Microwave-Assisted alcoholysis of Polycarbonate found in electronic waste
Year: Fall 2021 (Bachelor Program)

Event: TWU Spring Research Symposium
Poster: Microwave-assisted recycling of poly (bisphenol a Carbonate)
Year: Spring 2022 (Bachelor Program)

Event: TWU Spring Research Symposium
Poster: Microwave-assisted alcohlysis of polycarbonate found in electronic waste
Year: Spring 2021 (Bachelor Program)

Event: ACS National Meeting
Poster: “Closing the loop” the use of chemical recycling of poly (bisphenol A carbonate) found in e-waste through microwave-assisted alcoholysis
Year: Spring 2023 (Master Program)

Event: TWU Spring Reasearch Symposium
Poster: Molecular Modeling of poly (bisphenol A carbonate) for Determining Interaction Energy in Chemical Recycling using Density Functional Theory
Year: Spring 2023 (Master Program)


Texas Woman’s University Honors Scholarship, Fall 2018-Spring 2022
Awarded for academic achievement and potential. Graduated with honors, the highest.
undergraduate designation.

Robert W Higgins Memorial Scholarship, Fall 2020-Spring 2021
Awarded for outstanding academic record in chemistry.

Provost Emerging Experiential Research Scholar, Spring 2020
Awarded for completing and presenting research on homelessness in Denton.

Honors Research Grant,Fall 2021
Travel Grant to attend the Southwest Regional ACS meeting.

Welch Foundation Research Fellowship, Summer 2021
Received fellowship stipend to work on undergraduate research over the summer.

TWU Sigma Xi Scientific Research Honor Society presentation awardee, Spring 2022
Awarded Sigma Xi nomination for presenting research during the TWU spring symposium.

DFW ACS Outstanding Senior in Chemistry Student Award, Spring 2022
Nominated by the TWU Chemistry & Biochemistry division and awarded by the local DFW ACS section for outstanding work.

TWU Graduate Student Scholarship, Fall 2022-Spring 2024
Awarded for having a outstanding academic record.

Dr. Farhataziz Memorial Endowed Scholarship, Fall 2023-Spring 2024
Awarded for having an outstanding academic record in chemistry.

Willis Clark Research Endowed Scholarship in Chemistry, Fall 2022-Spring 2024
Awarded based on chemistry research proposal.

TWU Student Research Grant, Spring 2023
Awarded to complete research in computational polycarbonate recycling.

TWU Experiential Scholar Program, Spring 2022
Awarded Grant for research on increasing NAAN-NHPI students in STEM.

TWU Travel Grant, Spring 2022
Awarded for poster presentation at ACS SWRM