Gabriel Guo

  • Program Year: 1
  • Academic Institution: Stanford University
  • Field of Study: Computer Science
  • Academic Advisor: James Zou
  • Practicum(s): Practicum Not Yet Completed
  • Degree(s):
    B.S. Computer Science, Columbia University, 2024


[1] *Gabe Guo*, Aniv Ray, Miles Izydorczak, Judah Goldfeder, Hod Lipson, Wenyao Xu. "Unveiling intra-person fingerprint similarity via deep contrastive learning." Science Advances, Vol. 10, No. 2, eadi0329 (2024). DOI:10.1126/sciadv.adi0329
[2] *Gabe Guo*, Judah Goldfeder, Ling Lan, Aniv Ray, Hanming Yang, Boyuan Chen, Simon Billinge, Hod Lipson. "Towards End-to-End Structure Determination from X-Ray Diffraction Data Using Deep Learning." Will appear in npj Computational Materials (2024). Preprint at


Selected Media Coverage:
[1] CNN: "Are fingerprints unique? Not really, AI-based study finds" Jan 12, 2024.
[2] BBC: "Our fingerprints may not be unique, claims AI" Jan 11, 2024.
[3] BBC Science Focus: "Your fingerprints aren't unique after all, discovers AI" Jan 12, 2024.
[4] The Times: "AI can now link two separate fingerprints from same person" Jan 11, 2024.
[5] Metro: "AI smashes the idea that all fingerprints are unique – and could solve cold cases" Jan 12, 2024.
[6] The Sun: "AI YOU KIDDING? AI breakthrough finds our fingerprints may NOT be unique after all – and experts think it could 'revive cold cases'" Jan 12, 2024.
[7] The Register: "AI flips the script on fingerprint lore – maybe they're not so unique after all" Jan 11, 2024.
[8] New Scientist: "AI can tell if prints from two different fingers belong to same person" Jan 12, 2024.
[9] Courthouse News Service: "AI disproves differences between same-hand fingerprints" Jan 12, 2024.