Patricia Cho

  • Program Years: 2020-2024
  • Academic Institution: University of Texas at Austin
  • Field of Study: Astronomy
  • Academic Advisor: Don Winget
  • Residencies:
    Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico (2020)
  • Degree(s):
    B.A. Asian Studies, Williams College, 2010

Current Status

  • Research Area: Astronomy


Publications and Conference Proceedings

1.Spectral Line Identification from a Photoionized Silicon Plasma in Emission Cho, P.B.; Loisel, G.P.; Fontes, C.J.; Nagayama, T.; Bailey, J.E.; Garcia, J.A.; Kallman, T.R.; Gu, M.G.; Mayes, D.C.; Gomez, T.A. Astrophysical Journal (submitted)
2. Cho, P.B., Gomez, T.A., Montgomery, M.H., Dunlap, B.H., Fitz Axen, M., Hobbs, B., Hubeny, I., Simulation of Stark Broadened Hydrogen Balmer Line Shapes for DA White Dwarf Synthetic Spectra, 2021, ApJ.
3. Cho, P.B., Halpern, J., Bogdanov, S., Variable Heating and Flaring of Three Redback Millisecond Pulsars, 2018, ApJ, 866, 71.
4. Gomez, T.A., Nagayama, T., Cho, P.B., Zammit, M.C., Fontes, C.J., Kilcrease, D.P., Bray, I., Hubeny, I., Dunlap, B., Montgomery, M.H., Winget, D.E., All-Order Full-Coulomb Quantum Spectral Line-Shape Calculations, 2021, PRL
5. Szkody, P., Godon, P, Gaensicke, B.T., Kafka, S., Castillo, O., Bell, K.J., Cho, P.B., Sion, E.M., Kumar, P., Townsley, D.M., Vanderbosch, Z., Winget, K., Olde Loohius, C.J., The Heating and Pulsations of V386 Serpentis after its 2019 Dwarf Nova Outburst, 2020, ApJ
6. Winget, D. Montgomery, M.H., Dunlap, B.H., Cho, P.B., Schaeuble, M.-A., Gomez, T.A., Illuminating White Dwarf Spectra Through Laboratory Experiments at Cosmic Conditions, 2020, HEDP, 37.
7. Vanderbosch, Z., Hermes, J. J., Dennihy, E., Dunlap, B.H., Izquierdo, P., Tremblay, P.E., Cho, P.B., Gaensicke, B.T., Bell, K.J., Montgomery, M.H., Winget, D.E., White Dwarf with Transiting Circumstellar Material Far Outside Its Tidal Disruption Radius, 2020, ApJ, 897, 2.
8. Halpern, J.P., Thorstensen, J.R., Cho, P., Collver, G., Motsoaledi, M., Breytenbach, H., Buckley, D.A.H., Woudt, P.A., Optical Studies of 15 Hard X-Ray Selected Cataclysmic Binaries, 2018, AJ, 155, 247.
9. Huang, Y., Cho, P.B., Samadi, P., Bergman, K., Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Power Excursion Mitigation for Flexgrid Defragmentation with Machine Learning, 2018, 10, A69-A76.
10. Huang, Y., Cho, P.B., Samadi P.,, and Bergman, K., "Dynamic Power Pre-adjustments with Machine Learning that Mitigate EDFA Excursions during Defragmentation," in Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2017), paper Th1J.2.Top of Form
11. Huang, Y., Gutterman, C. L., Samadi, P., Cho, P. B., Samoud, W., Ware, C., Lourdiane, M., Zussman, G., and Bergman, K., "Dynamic mitigation of EDFA power excursions with machine learning," Opt. Express 25, 2245-2258 (2017).

Conference Talks and Posters

1. Cho, P. et al. (2023, November) Laboratory Tests of Astrophysical Black Hole Accretion Disk Plasma Models using the Z-machine at SNL. Harvard Center for Astrophysics Seminar, invited
2. Cho, P. et al. (2023, October) Laboratory Tests of Astrophysical Black Hole Accretion Disk Plasma Models using the Z-machine at SNL. APS DPP Invited talk
1. Cho, P. et al. (2023, June) Testing Astrophysical Accretion Disk Models with Photoionized Plasma Experiments on the Z-machine. AAS Laboratory Astrophysics Division, contributed talk
1. Cho, P. et al. (2022, October) Testing High Density Effects in Astrophysical Accretion Disk Models with Photoionized Plasma Experiments. APS DPP contributed talk.
3. Cho, P. et al. (2022, August) Benchmarking x-ray emission from accretion-powered objects. Plenary talk given at the 2021 Z Fundamental Science Workshop.
1. Cho, P. et al. (2021, November) Investigating High Density Accretion Disk Models with Photoionized Iron and Calcium Plasma Experiments. Talk given at 2021 APS DPP, virtual.
2. Cho, P. et al. (2021, September) Spectral Line Identification of a Photoionized Silicon Plasma in Emission. Talk given at The 48th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS), virtual.
3. Cho, P. et al. (2021, August) Benchmarking x-ray emission from accretion-powered objects. Talk given at the 2021 Z Fundamental Science Workshop, virtual.
4. Cho, P. et al. (2021, Feburary) Spectral Line Identification in Photoionized Silicon Plasma Emission. 2021 Stewardship Science Academic Programs Symposium, virtual. Outstanding Poster Award Winner.
5. Cho, P. et al. (2020, November) Spectral Line Identification in Photoionized Silicon Plasma Emission. Talk given at 2020 APS DPP, virtual.
6. Cho, P. et al. (2020, August) Xenomorph Refinements. Talk given at Astrophysical Breakout session for 2020 Z Fundamental Science Workshop, virtual.
7. Cho, P. et al. (2019, August). Astrophysical Implications from the Lab: Advances in Atomic Theory and the Effects on White Dwarf Model Atmospheres Poster session presented at the 10th Fundamental Science with Pulse Power: Research Opportunities and User Meeting.
8. Cho, P. et al. (2019, October). Improved Stark Broadening in DA White Dwarf Model Atmospheres Poster session presented at the IAUS 257: White Dwarfs as probes of fundamental physics and tracers of planetary, stellar & galactic evolution, Hilo, Big Island, Hawaii.
9. Cho, P. et al. (2020, January). Improved Stark Broadening in DA White Dwarf Model Atmospheres: Poster session presented at the 1st ZNetUS Workshop, La Jolla, CA.


LLNL High Energy Density Science Center Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2024
SSAP Outstanding Poster Award 2021, 2022
Olga H. Knoepke Scholarship, 2016
Honors Society of the School of General Studies, Columbia University, 2015
Dean's List, Columbia University, 2015 - 2017
Linen Senior Prize in Asian Studies, Williams College, 2010
Dean's List, Williams College, 2007 - 2010
Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship, Williams College, 2007