Logan Meredith

  • Program Years: 2020-2024
  • Academic Institution: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Field of Study: Physics
  • Academic Advisor: Davide Curreli
  • Residencies:
    Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico (2021)
    Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico (2022)
  • Degree(s):
    B.S. Physics, and B.S. Mathematics, University of Rochester, 2018

Current Status

  • Research Area: Physics


L. T. Meredith, W. McDoniel, C. H. Moore, and D. Curreli. "Merging particles into a fluid in hybrid fluid-PIC plasma simulations." Submitted.

L. T. Meredith, M. Rezazadeh, M. F. Huq, J. Drobny, V. V. Srinivasaragavan, O. Sahni, and D. Curreli. "hPIC2: a hardware-accelerated, hybrid particle-in-cell code for dynamic plasma-material interactions." Computer Physics Communications (2022): 108569.

J. B. O. Caughman, K. Butler, D. Curreli, D. Donovan, D. C. Easley, A. Gonzalez-Galvan, C. A. Johnson, L. Meredith, and E. A. Unterberg. "Investigation of Materials for Radio Frequency Antenna Plasma Facing Components." IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (2024): pp. 1--6.

L. T. Meredith, D. A. O. McGregor, and R. M. J. Kramer, "Simulation-Based Parameter Estimation Applied to Antenna Analysis," in Center for Computing Research Summer Proceedings 2018, A. Cangi and M.L. Parks, eds., Technical Report SAND2019-5093R, Sandia National Laboratories, 2018, pp. 232--240.

R.M.J. Kramer, D.A. Crawford, M.M. Hopkins, E. Love, D.A.O. McGregor, L.T. Meredith, J.H. Niederhaus, "FY18 Helios RF Progress Report," Technical Report SAND2018-10147, Sandia National Laboratories, 2018.

L.T. Meredith and C.M. Siefert, "A Verification Framework for Nonlinear Electromagnetic Material Models," in Center for Computing Research Summer Proceedings 2017, A.D. Baczewski and M.L. Parks, eds., Technical Report SAND2018-2780O, Sandia National Laboratories, 2018, pp. 51--58.

L.T. Meredith, C.M. Siefert, and R.M.J. Kramer, "Interface Based Conductivity: An FEM Approximation of Electrical Conductivity in Multi-Material Cells," in Center for Computing Research Summer Proceedings 2016, J.B. Carleton and M.L. Parks, eds., Technical Report SAND2017-1294R, Sandia National Laboratories, 2016, pp. 229--240.

L. T. Meredith, D. Curreli, "Hybrid fluid-particle simulations of plasma plume evolution following photoablation events," Poster, APS Division of Plasma Physics 2023.

L. T. Meredith, D. Curreli, "hPIC2: a performance-portable, hybrid plasma code for dynamic plasma-material interactions," Poster, APS Gaseous Electronics Conference 2023.

M. Mustafa, L. T. Meredith, M. Rezazadeh, D. Curreli, "Multi-Fidelity Machine Learning Approach for Fast Determination of Ion Impact Energy-Angle Distributions and Material Sputtering in Radio-Frequency Plasma Sheaths," Poster, APS Division of Plasma Physics 2023.

M. F. Huq, L. T. Meredith, O. Sahni, D. Curreli, "An anisotropic hybrid structured-unstructured mesh approach enabling PIC simulations of the Scrape-Off-Layer," Poster, APS Division of Plasma Physics 2023.

A. Liu, L. T. Meredith, D. Curreli, "Computational Investigation of Ion Energy Angle Distribution within Trench Structures using the hPIC2 Particle-in-Cell Code," Poster, APS Division of Plasma Physics 2023.

L. T. Meredith, D. Curreli, "A predictor-corrector scheme for hybrid fluid-PIC electrostatic plasma simulation," Presentation, APS Division of Plasma Physics 2022.

M. Rezazadeh, J. R. Myra, L. T. Meredith, D. Curreli, "Behavior of RF sheath admittance across Ion Cyclotron Resonance analyzed with fluid theory and large-scale Particle-in-Cell simulations," Poster, APS Division of Plasma Physics 2022.

A. Renganathan, D. Curreli, S. Blondel, J. T. Drobny, W. A. Garcia, J. P. Gunn, A. L. Hayes, J. D. Lore, A. L. Esquisabel, L. T. Meredith, E. Tsitrone, E. A. Unterberg, B. D. Wirth, "Assessment of the sources of uncertainty for the validation of wall erosion models in the WEST tokamak," Poster, APS Division of Plasma Physics 2022.

M. F. Huq, V. V. Srinivasaragavan, L. T. Meredith, O. Sahni, D. Curreli, "Enabling Multiscale Particle-in-Cell simulations using PUMI Multi-Block Boundary Layer Meshes in hPIC2," Poster, APS Division of Plasma Physics 2022.

L. T. Meredith, M. Rezazadeh, M. F. Huq, M. Mostafa, V. Srinivasaragavan, O. Sahni, D. Curreli, "hPIC2: a GPU-accelerated, hybrid particle-in-cell code for plasma-material interactions in complex geometries," Presentation, APS Division of Plasma Physics 2021.

M.F. Huq, V. Srinivasaragavan, L.T. Meredith, O. Sahni, D. Curreli, "Porting the PUMImbbl library to GPUs and integration in the hPIC2 Particle-in-Cell code," Presentation, APS Division of Plasma Physics 2021.

M. Rezazadeh, M. Elias, L.T. Meredith, J.T. Drobny, D. Curreli, "Particle-in-Cell study of impurity production from RF sheaths in front of ICRH actuators
," Poster, APS Division of Plasma Physics 2021.

M.F. Huq, M. Mostafa, L.T. Meredith, D. Curreli, "Effect of ion acoustic instabilities on the energy-angle distributions of the ions impacting on the wall of a finite-size plasma," Poster, APS Division of Plasma Physics 2021.

C. Siefert, L. Meredith, J.B. Carleton, "Verification for Magnetic Materials in MHD," Poster, MultiMat 2017.

C. Siefert, L. Meredith, D.A.O. McGregor (2017) "Computation of Derived Variables for the Eddy Current Maxwell's Equations," Presentation, SIAM CSE 2017.


John F. Flagg Prize, University of Rochester, 2018
Highest Distinction and summa cum laude in Physics, University of Rochester, 2018
Highest Distinction with honors in research and summa cum laude in Mathematics, University of Rochester, 2018
Dean's List, University of Rochester, all undergraduate semesters
Phi Beta Kappa honors society, University of Rochester, 2017
Sigma Pi Sigma physics honors society, University of Rochester, 2017
Wilder Leadership Scholarship, University of Rochester, 2014
National Merit Scholar, 2014