Skylar Dannhoff

  • Program Year: 1
  • Academic Institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Field of Study: Plasma Physics
  • Academic Advisor: Chikang Li
  • Residencies: Residency Not Yet Completed
  • Degree(s):
    B.S. Engineering Physics, Case Western Reserve University, 2021


Conference presentations:

S. G. Dannhoff, N. Meezan, G. Cochran, G. D. Sutcliffe, T. M. Johnson, J. A. Pearcy, Y. Lawrence, and C. K. Li, “Investigations of plasma flow and interface dynamics in Ta2O5- and SiO2-lined hohlraums at OMEGA”, 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Oct. 30 – Nov. 3 2023, Denver, CO. [ORAL presentation, contributed]

The content of this talk and earlier versions have additionally been presented under the same title in POSTER form at:
- Stewardship Science Academic Programs Symposium, Feb. 21-22 2024, Arlington, VA; Feb. 14-15 2023, Santa Fe, NM.
- NIF and JLF User Group Meeting, Jan. 30 – Feb 1 2024, Livermore, CA; Feb. 21-23, 2023, Livermore, CA.
- OMEGA Laser Facility Users Group 2023 Workshop, April 26-28 2023, Rochester, NY

S. G. Dannhoff, T. M. Johnson, J. A. Pearcy, G. D. Stucliffe, T. Baumann, T. Fears, N. Meezan, A. Nikroo, M. Stadermann, W. Sweet, P. Fitzpatrick, and C. K. Li, “Plans for investigating plasma flow and interface dynamics in Ta2O5 and SiO2-lined hohlraums at OMEGA”, 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Oct. 17-21 2022, Spokane, WA. [POSTER presentation, contributed]


Additional workshop presentations:

S. G. Dannhoff, C. W. Wink, J. Kunimune, S. Mackie, G. Berg, and J. Frenje, “Gamma-RAy SPectrometer (GRASP): A new compact gamma spectrometer design”, National Diagnostic Working Group meeting, Dec. 12-14 2023, Livermore, CA. [ORAL presentation, contributed; submitted WHITEPAPER to Fusion Energy Science Basic Research Needs Measurement Innovation Workshop, 2024]

S. G. Dannhoff, P. J. Adrian, C. W. Chang, T. E. Evans, T. M. Johnson, N. V. Kabadi, J. H. Kunimune, B. J. Lahmann, J. A. Pearcy, B. L. Reichlt, G. D. Sutcliffe, M. Gatu Johnson, F. H. Seguin, C. K. Li, and J. Frenje, “Image plate characterization for future investigations of x-ray dose impact on WRF proton spectrometer response”, OMEGA Laser Facility Users Group 2022 Workshop, April 27-29 2022, Rochester, NY. [POSTER presentation, contributed]


Contributions to published papers:

B. Reichelt, N. Kabadi, J. Pearcy, M. Gatu Johnson, S. Dannhoff, B. Lahmann, J. Frenje, C. K. Li, G. Sutcliffe, J. Kunimune, R. Petrasso, H. Sio, A. Moore, E. Mariscal, and E. Hartouni, “Determining spectral response of the National Ignition Facility particle time of flight diagnostic to x rays”, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 033510 (2023); doi: 10.1063/5.0101725

P. J. Adrian, J. Armstrong, A. Birkel, C. Chang, S. Dannhoff, T. Evans, M. Gatu Johnson, T. M. Johnson, N. Kabadi, J. Kunimune, C. K. Li, B. Reichelt, S. P. Regan, J. Pearcy, R. D. Petrasso, G. Pien, M. McCluskey, F. H. Seguin, G. D. Sutcliffe, and J. A. Frenje, “In situ calibration of charged particle spectrometers on the OMEGA Laser Facility using 241Am and 226Ra sources”, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 93, 113534 (2022); doi: 10.1063/5.0099752


First author papers to be submitted:

S. Dannhoff, J. Kunimune, S. Mackie, C. Wink, G. Berg, and J. Frenje, “A new compact Gamma-RAy SPectrometer (GRASP) design for inertial confinement fusion and basic science experiments”, to be submitted to Rev. Sci. Instrum. 2024.


NIF and JLF User Group Meeting 2024 -- 2nd place graduate poster presentation -- February 2024

OMEGA Laser Users Group Workshop 2022 -- 2nd place graduate poster presentation -- April 2022

Case Western Reserve University -- Dean's High Honor List -- Fall 2017 - Spring 2021

Elmer C. Stewart Memorial Award, Outstanding Senior in Engineering Physics -- Spring 2021

University of Arizona College of Optical Science Winter School & Workshop -- 1st place presentation -- Spring 2021

Richard F. Sigal Physics Award for Excellence in Studies and Intent to Pursue a Physics Career -- Spring 2020

David E. Scheule Award, Outstanding Junior in Engineering Physics -- Spring 2020

Case Alumni Scholarship Recipient -- Spring 2019

University Scholarship Recipient (merit based) -- Spring 2017