Brian Rodgers
- Program Year: 4
- Academic Institution: Colorado School of Mines
- Field of Study: Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
- Academic Advisor: Amy Clarke
- Residencies:
Los Alamos National Laboratory (2021)
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (2024) - Degree(s):
M.S. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, 2019; B.S. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, 2017
D. Tourret, J. Klemm-Toole, A. Eres-Castellanos, B. Rodgers, G. Becker, A. Saville, B. Ellyson, C. Johnson, B. Milligan, J. Copley, R. Ochoa, A. Polonsky, K. Pusch, K. Fezzaa, M. Haines, T. Sun, K. Clarke, S. Babu, T. Pollock, A. Karma, A. Clarke, "Morphological Stability of Solid-Liquid Interfaces Under Additive Manufacturing Conditions", Acta Materiala, 2023K. Dang, J. Chen, B. Rodgers, S. Fensin, "LAVA 1.0: a General-Purpose Python Toolkit for Calculation of Material Properties with LAMMPS and VASP", Comp. Phys. Comm., 2023
C. Gus Becker, D. Tourret, D. Smith, B. Rodgers, S. Imhoff, J. Hunter, M. Espy, K. Clarke, A. Clarke "Integrating In Situ x-Ray Imaging, Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy, and Calculated Phase Diagram Analysis of Solute Segregation During Solidification of an Al-Ag Alloy", JOM 73, 3291-3300, 2021
B. Rodgers, "Laser brazing of reaction-bonded silicon carbide with a silicon-aluminum-titanium filler alloy", MS Thesis, 2019, Golden, Colorado, Colorado School of Mines
B. Rodgers, J. Wei, J.C Madeni, S. Liu, S. Nelson, and R. Xu, "Laser brazing of reaction-bonded silicon carbide with a novel Si-based filler metal", presented in the 72nd International Institute Welding Annual Assembly and published as XVIIC-0048-19, July 9-12, 2019, Bratislava, Slovakia.
B. Rodgers, J.C Madeni, S. Liu, S. Nelson, and R. Xu, "Wettability of reaction-bonded silicon carbide with a laser heat source and novel Si-based filler", presented in the 71st International Institute Welding Annual Assembly and published as XVIIA-0144-18, July 16-20, 2018, Bali, Indonesia.
J. Wei, B. Rodgers, J.C Madeni, S. Liu, S. Nelson, and R. Xu, "Effect of thermal exposure in air on shear strength of SiC/SiAlTi/SiC braze joints", presented in the 72nd International Institute Welding Annual Assembly and published as XVIIA-0169-19, July 9-12, 2019, Bratislava, Slovakia
S. Nelson, R. Xu, S. Liu, J. C. Madeni, B. Rodgers, "Indirect laser brazing of SiC/SiC CMCs for manufacturing and repair", patent No. 16/744345, issued 2023
Laboratory Residency Graduate Fellowship, 2021-2023Alpha Sigma Mu (international professional honors society for materials science and engineering), Colorado School of Mines, 2020-2023
Dean's List, Colorado School of Mines, 2015-2017