Stephanie Lyons
- Program Years: 2010-2014
- Academic Institution: University of Notre Dame
- Field of Study: Nuclear Physics
- Academic Advisor: Michael Wiescher
- Practicum(s):
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (2012) - Degree(s):
Ph.D. Physics, University of Notre Dame, 2016
M.S. Physics, University of Notre Dame, 2013
B.S. Physics, Randolph College, 2009
Current Status
- Status: Postdoctoral Fellow
- Research Area: Nuclear Physics
- Contact Information: slyons AT msu DOT edu
B. Bucher et. al. [29 authors + S. Lyons], â€ÂÂFirst Direct Measurement of 12C(12C,n)23Mg at Stellar Energies.†Physical Review Letters114., 251102, 2015.Jingke Xu et al.[21 authors + S. Lyons ],“Scintillation efficiency measurement of Na re- coils in NaI (Tl) below the DAMA/LIBRA energy threshold.†, arXiv preprint, arXiv: 1503.07212. 2015.
H. Cao et al.[34 authors + S. Lyons ],“Measurement of Scintillation and Ionization Yield and Scintillation Pulse Shape from Nuclear Recoils in Liquid Argon.†Physical Review D99., 092007,2015.
A. Spyrou et al.[27 authors + S. Lyons ],“Measurement of the 90, 92 Zr (p, γ) 91, 93 Nb reactions for the nucleosynthesis of elements near A= 90â€ÂÂ, Physical Review C88., 045802, 2013.
SJ Quinn et al.[21 authors + S. Lyons ],“Probing the production mechanism of the light
p-process nucleiâ€ÂÂ, Physical Review C88., 011603, 2013.
A. Simon et al.[27 authors + S. Lyons],“Systematic study of (p, γ) reactions on Ni iso-
topesâ€ÂÂ,Physical Review C87., 055802, 2013.
B. Bucher et al.[23 authors + S. Lyons], “Searching for the low-energy resonances in the C-12(C-12,n)Mg-23 reaction cross section relevant for s-process nucleosynthesis, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 420., 012141, 2013.
X. Fang et al.[35 authors + S. Lyons ],“Experimental investigation of the 12C+ 12C fusion at very low energies by direct and indirect methodsâ€ÂÂ, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 420., 012151, 2013.
A. Simon et al.[27 authors + S. Lyons ],“SuN: Summing NaI (Tl) gamma-ray detector for capture reaction measurements†NIM A703., 16-21, 2013.
A. Spyrou et al.[27 authors + S. Lyons ],“p process measurements with SuNâ€ÂÂ, Exotic Nuclei and Nuclear/Particle Astrophysics(IV) From Nuclei to Stars: Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2012 1498., 178-186.
P. Gregers Hansen Fellowship, 2016-PresentNSSC Postdoctoral Scholar, 2017- Present
Conference Presentation Grant, 2011
Magna Cum Laude, Randolph College, 2009