Dylan Spaulding
- Program Years: 2006-2010
- Academic Institution: University of California, Berkeley
- Field of Study: Geophysics/Planetary Science
- Academic Advisor: Raymond Jeanloz
- Practicum(s):
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (2008) - Degree(s):
Ph.D. Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, 2010
ScB, Physics, Brown Univeristy, 2004
Current Status
- Status: Senior Scientist, Union of Concerned Scientists
- Research Area: High Pressure Materials Science, Global Security, Nonproliferation and Arms Control
- Contact Information: dylanspaulding@gmail.com
PAPERS -Datchi, F., Weck, G., Saitta, A. M., Raza, Z., Garbarino, G., Ninet, S., Spaulding, D. K., Queyroux, J. A., Mezouar, M., Structure of liquid carbon dioxide at pressures up to 10 GPa, Physical Review B 94.014201, 2016.
Spaulding, D.K., Weck, G., Loubeyre, P., Datchi, F., Dumas, P., Hanfland, M., Pressure-Induced Chemistry in a Nitrogen/Hydrogen Host-Guest Structure, Nature Communications, DOI:10.1038/ncomms6739, 2014.
Weck, G., Garbarino, G., Ninet, S., Spaulding, D.K., Datchi, F., Loubeyre, P., Mezouar, M., "Use of a Multichannel Collimator for Structural Investigation of Low-Z Dense Liquids in a Diamond Anvil Cell: Validation on Fluid H2 up to 5 GPa", Review of Scientific Instruments, 84, 2013.
McWilliams, R.S., Spaulding, D.K, Eggert, J.H., Celliers, P.M, Hicks, D.G., Collins, G.W., Jeanloz, R., "Phase Transformations and Metallization of Magnesium Oxide at High Pressure and Temperature", Science, 338, 1330, 2012.
Spaulding, D.K, McWilliams, R.S., Eggert, J.H., Hicks, D.G., Collins, G.W., Jeanloz, R, "Evidence for a Phase Transition in Silicate Melt at Extreme Pressure Temperature Conditions", Physical Review Letters, 108, 065701, 2012.
Loubeyre, P., Brygoo, S., Eggert, J., Celliers, P.M., Spaulding, D.K., Rygg, R., Boehly, T.R., Collins, G.W., Jeanloz, R., "An Extended Data Set for the Equations of State of Warm Dense Hydrogen Isotopes", Physical Review B, 86, 144115, 2012.
Kraus, R.G., Stewart, S.T., Swift, D.C., Bolme, C.A., Smith, R., Hamel, S., Hammel, B., Spaulding, D.K., Hicks, D.J., Eggert, J.W., Collins, G.W. "Shock Vaporization of Silica and the Thermodynamics of Planetary Impact Events", J. Geophysical Research, 117, E09009, 2012.
Spaulding, D.K., "Laser-Driven Shock Compression Experiments on Planetary Compositions", doctoral thesis (supervisor: Dr. Raymond Jeanloz), Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, 2010.
McWilliams, R.S., Eggert, J.H., Hicks, D.G., Bradley, D.K, Celliers, P.M, Spaulding, D.K, Boehly, T.R., Collins, G.W., Jeanloz, R., "Strength Effects in Diamond Under Shock Compression from 0.1 to 1TPa", Physical Review B, 81, 2010.
Eggert, J.H, Celliers, P., Hicks, D., Rygg, R., Collins, G., Brygoo, S., Loubeyre, P., McWilliams, S., Spaulding, D.K., Jeanloz, R., Boehly, T. "Shock Experiments on Pre-Compressed Fluid Helium", International Conference on Atomic Processes in Plasmas (ApiP), 2009.
Spaulding, D.K., Hicks, D.G., Smith, R.F., Eggert, J.H., McWilliams, R.S., Collins, G.W., Jeanloz, R., "New Optical Diagnostics for Equation-of- State Experiments on the Janus Laser". Shock Compression of Condensed Matter, edited by M. Elert, M.D. Furnish, R. Chau, N. Holmes, and J. Nguyen, copyright 2007 American Institute of Physics, 1071.
Spaulding, D.K., Beals, J., Brodsky, L., Gaukler, E., Shean, D., Syracuse, E., "Assessment of Intravenous Fluid Delivery Systems for Microgravity Applications". Proceedings, 55th International Astronautical Congress, Vancouver, B.C., 2004. (Ref: IAC 04-G.2.11).
"Reassessing Science-Based Stockpile Stewardship: Tipping the Balance on Nonproliferation", 25th International Summer Symposium on Science and World Affairs, Segni, Italy, 2013.
"Mineral Physics in the Terapascal Regime: Dynamic Studies of Planetary Interiors", Goldschmidt Conference, Florence, Italy, 2013. (Mineralogical Magazine, 77(5) 2243).
"Nouvelles Methodes en Compression Dynamique et Applications aux Sciences Planetaires", 8e Forum de Technologie des Hautes Pressions, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2012.
"Extending Mineral Physics to TPa Pressures: Static and Dynamic Studies of Planetary Compositions", CNRS, Universite Lille 1, France, 2012.
"Exploring Extra-Solar Planetary Interiors: New Chemistry at Extreme Conditions", American Physical Society Topical Conference on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter, Chicago, 2011.
- Harvard Postdoctoral Professional Development Award, 2013- Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor, Teaching Award, 2010.
-Graduated with honors in Physics at Brown University, May, 2004.
-Elected member of Sigma Xi, Physics and Engineering honor society, 2004.
-NASA/Rhode Island Space Grant Scholar, 2001 and 2003.