High-Energy-Density Field-Reversed Configurations (FRCs) for Magneto-Inertial Fusion on the Z machine

Brendan Sporer, University of Michigan

Photo of Brendan Sporer

Producing large fusion yield in the laboratory remains a primary goal of the DOE and NNSA. The MagLIF program on the Z machine at Sandia National Laboratories has shown the potential for large yield using Z-pinch-driven magneto-inertial fusion (MIF). Slutz1 has proposed an alternative embodiment of MIF on the Z machine using field-reversed configurations, which may have advantages over conventional MagLIF. Theory of the proposed high-energy-density FRCs is compared with simulation results from the Kraken MHD code. Experimental efforts to produce high-field FRC targets on the MA-class MAIZE linear transformer driver are detailed. The results are promising and merit further investigation of the concept.

1Stephen A. Slutz, Matthew R. Gomez; Fusion gain from cylindrical liner-driven implosions of field reversed configurations. Phys. Plasmas 1 April 2021; 28 (4): 042707.