Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Modeling mix relevant to magnetized ICF implosions on the NIF
Robert Spiers, University of Delaware
Practicum Year: 2024
Practicum Supervisor: John Moody, Dr., , Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
The Pseudospectral Rotated Coordinate Method: ​A Proof of Concept with H Bound-Free Opacity
Jackson White, University of Texas at Austin
Practicum Year: 2024
Practicum Supervisor: Paul Grabowski, Physicist, , Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Hybrid Monte Carlo Molecular Dynamics Methods For Melting In Multi-Component Systems
John Copley, Princeton University
Practicum Year: 2023
Practicum Supervisor: Sebastien Hamel, , , Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Capturing Temperature Anisotropy with GORGON using a Ten-Moment Model
Derek Kuldinow, Stanford University
Practicum Year: 2023
Practicum Supervisor: David Strozzi, Staff Scientist, Design Physics, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
The Role of Uniaxial Stress in the Formation of Benzene Nanothreads
River Leversee, University of Colorado Boulder
Practicum Year: 2023
Practicum Supervisor: Bradley Alan Steele, Research Scientist, Materials Science Division, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Structural characterization of a Chlamydia Type III Secretion System translocator protein complex via Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering and Method Development for Single Particle Imaging experiments at XFE
Elyse Schriber, University of Connecticut
Practicum Year: 2023
Practicum Supervisor: Matthew Coleman, Prof, Biosciences and Biotechnology, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Using Quantum Computing to Solve Partial Differential Equations for Radiation Diffusion Problems
Christopher Yang, California Institute of Technology
Practicum Year: 2022
Practicum Supervisor: Frank Graziani, Director, High Energy Density Science Center, Physics and Life Sciences, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Equation of state measurements utilizing x-ray self-emission from spherically converging shock experiments on NIF.
Patrick Adrian, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Practicum Year: 2021
Practicum Supervisor: Benjamin Bachmann, Staff Scientist, Physicals and Life Sciences , Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Machine Learning Approaches to Particle Classification in WATCHMAN
Sophia Farrell, Rice University
Practicum Year: 2021
Practicum Supervisor: Adam Bernstein, , Nuclear and Chemical Sciences Division, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
A chirped pulse fiber amplifier testbed for pulse stacking studies
Drew Morrill, University of Colorado Boulder
Practicum Year: 2021
Practicum Supervisor: Michael Messerly, Dr., Advanced Fiber Technologies, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Measuring the Production of 188W in the W + 7Li Reaction.
E. Paige Abel, Michigan State University
Practicum Year: 2019
Practicum Supervisor: Ken Moody, Dr., Nuclear and Chemical Sciences, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Dynamic Compression of Silicon
Olivia Pardo, California Institute of Technology
Practicum Year: 2019
Practicum Supervisor: William Evans, Associate Division Leader, Condensed Matter Scienc, Physics, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Shock and ramp compression and decompression wave interaction
Michael Wadas, University of Michigan
Practicum Year: 2019
Practicum Supervisor: Marius Millot, Research Scientist, Physics, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
The effect of weak magnetism on the beta decay of 92Rb and 96Y
Erin Good, Louisiana State University
Practicum Year: 2018
Practicum Supervisor: Nick Scielzo, Research Staff, Nuclear and Chemical Sciences , Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Relativistic Scaling Laws for High-Energy-Density Laboratory Astrophysics
Aaron (Miguel) Holgado, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Practicum Year: 2017
Practicum Supervisor: Hui Chen, , Physics, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Investigation of Global climate models improvements over time
Benjamin Musci, Georgia Institute of Technology
Practicum Year: 2017
Practicum Supervisor: Karl Taylor, PCMDI-Program Director, Atmospheric, Earth, and Energy Division-PCMDI, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Aqueous Ion Solvation in Bulk and Confined Water from First Principles
Viktor Rozsa, University of Chicago
Practicum Year: 2017
Practicum Supervisor: Eric Schwegler, Director of Sponsored Science, Office of the Deputy Director for Science and Tech, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Non-LTE Atomic Kinetics and Radiation Transport
Alison Saunders, University of California, Berkeley
Practicum Year: 2017
Practicum Supervisor: Howard Scott, Research Scientist, Weapons and Complex Integration- Design Physics, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Planetary Defense: Asteroid Deflection
Charles Epstein, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Practicum Year: 2016
Practicum Supervisor: Paul Miller, Associate Division Leader, Design Physics Division, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Fabrication and Thermal Testing of Graphene-Oxide/Carbon-Nanotube and Graphene-Oxide/3D-CVD Graphene Composite Aerogels
Nathan Finney, Columbia University
Practicum Year: 2016
Practicum Supervisor: Marcus Worsley, Staff Scientist, Advanced Materials Synthesis, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Additive manufacturing of functionally graded optical materials: developments towards a TiO2-SiO2 gradient index optical lens
Cameron Meyers, University of Minnesota
Practicum Year: 2016
Practicum Supervisor: Rebecca Dylla-Spears, Staff Scientist, Materials Science, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Intergranular HMX Frictional Modeling using ALE3D
Christopher Miller, Georgia Institute of Technology
Practicum Year: 2016
Practicum Supervisor: Laurence Fried, Reaction Dynamics Group Leader, Materials Science Division, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Shear Viscosity of Asymmetric Strongly Coupled Dense Plasmas
Brooklyn Noble, University of Utah
Practicum Year: 2016
Practicum Supervisor: Robert Rudd, Computational Material Science Group Leader, Materials Science , Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Actually Implicit Monte Carlo with High-Order Finite Element Meshes
Richard Vega, Texas A&M University
Practicum Year: 2016
Practicum Supervisor: Thomas Brunner, Kull Project Deputy Lead, Design Physics Devision, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Effect of Xenon Gas Fill Dopant in NIF Experiments
Io Kleiser, California Institute of Technology
Practicum Year: 2015
Practicum Supervisor: Laura Berzak Hopkins, , , Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Radiation hydrodynamics and particle-in-cell simulations of rapidly-heated buried-layers
Collin Stillman, University of Rochester
Practicum Year: 2015
Practicum Supervisor: Richard London, Physicist/Group Leader, AX, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Exploring the Self-Modulated Regime of Laser Wakefield Acceleration on the Titan Laser
Benjamin Galloway, University of Colorado Boulder
Practicum Year: 2014
Practicum Supervisor: Bradley Pollock, Lawrence Postdoctoral Fellow, Jupiter Laser Facility, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Cooling and Viscosity for Black Hole Accretion
Fabio Iunes Sanches, University of California, Berkeley
Practicum Year: 2014
Practicum Supervisor: Peter Anninos, , Astrophysics, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Investigation of neutron star mass using the nuclear equation of state
Juan Manfredi, Michigan State University
Practicum Year: 2014
Practicum Supervisor: Rob Hoffman, Physicist, STE Physics, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Quantifying statistical and systematic uncertainties of the lattice equation of state
John Moreland, Duke University
Practicum Year: 2014
Practicum Supervisor: Ron Soltz, Dr., High Energy Accelerator Physics, Group Leader, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Thermal conductivity measurements of proton-heated warm dense matter
Hong Sio, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Practicum Year: 2014
Practicum Supervisor: Gilbert Collins, Shock physics group leader, High Energy Density Physics, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Monte Carlo Random Probability Analysis of 239Pu+48Ca
Sabrina Strauss, University of Notre Dame
Practicum Year: 2014
Practicum Supervisor: Nicholas Scielzo, , Physics, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Accelerated Certification of Additively Manufactured Metals
John Gibbs, Northwestern University
Practicum Year: 2013
Practicum Supervisor: Wayne King, Director, ACAMM Initiative, Condensed Matter and Materials, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
A study of viscous incompressible flow interacting with flexible beams
Geoffrey Main, Stanford University
Practicum Year: 2013
Practicum Supervisor: Bill Henshaw, Applied Mathematician, Center for Applied Scientific Computing (CASC), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Evaluation of Pulse Shape Discrimination Characteristics in 10Boron-Loaded Plastic Scintillators
Mareena Robinson Snowden, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Practicum Year: 2013
Practicum Supervisor: Adam Bernstein, Advanced Detectors Group Leader, Physics , Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Functionalized Mesoporous Silica with a Focus on Material Degradation in Acidic Environments and Complexation of Trivalent Metals
Jennifer Shusterman, University of California, Berkeley
Practicum Year: 2013
Practicum Supervisor: Annie Kersting, Dr., Physical and Life Sciences Directorate, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
12C Gamma Signal in NIF Capsules
Stephanie Lyons, University of Notre Dame
Practicum Year: 2012
Practicum Supervisor: Charles Cerjan, Physicist, WCI (Weapons Complex Integration), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Novel Searches for Sterile Neutrinos with Reactors and Spent Nuclear Fuel
Walter Pettus, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Practicum Year: 2012
Practicum Supervisor: Adam Bernstein, Group Leader, Advanced Detectors Group, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Developing a Plasma Sheath Simulation Via the Kinetic Finite Mass Method
Christopher Young, Stanford University
Practicum Year: 2012
Practicum Supervisor: David Larson, Physicist, WCI-AX, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
BOUT++ Simulations of Edge Turbulence in the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak
Evan Davis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Practicum Year: 2011
Practicum Supervisor: Xueqiao Xu, Physicist, MFE, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
1-D Calculation of the ITF Mix Exponent for Rev5 Ignition Targets
Michael Hay, Princeton University
Practicum Year: 2011
Practicum Supervisor: Larry Suter, Dr., AX, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Design of an iron Rayleigh-Taylor laser experiment using radiation-hydrodynamics codes
Kristen John, California Institute of Technology
Practicum Year: 2011
Practicum Supervisor: Hye-Sook Park, Physicist, NIF Directorate, ICF and HED Science, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Electron-Ion Equilibration in ICF plasmas
Alex Zylstra, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Practicum Year: 2011
Practicum Supervisor: Gilbert Collins, , Physics, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Development of an Improved Gas Ionization Detector for Isobaric Discrimination of Transition Metal Activation Products with Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
Matthew Buckner, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Practicum Year: 2010
Practicum Supervisor: Scott Tumey, Scientific Staff, PLS/AEED/Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Remote Detection of Gammas and Neutrons with Cherenkov Detector: Coupling Simulation and Experiment
Anna Erickson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Practicum Year: 2010
Practicum Supervisor: Adam Bernstein, Group Leader, Advanced Detectors Group, Advanced Detectors Group, Physical Sciences Div., Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Investigation of Phase Transitions on Release from Shock in H2O and SiO2
Richard Kraus, Harvard University
Practicum Year: 2010
Practicum Supervisor: Damian Swift, Dr., Physics, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Analyzing Powers for 3H (d,n) 4He reactions in the NCSM+RGM model
Jordan McDonnell, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Practicum Year: 2010
Practicum Supervisor: Erich Ormand, Dr., Group Leader, Nuclear Theory and Modeling, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Simulations for Optimizing the LLNL Negative Ion Time Projection Chamber (TPC)
Joshua Renner, University of California, Berkeley
Practicum Year: 2010
Practicum Supervisor: Adam Bernstein, Dr., Physical Sciences Division, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Neutron Time Projection Chamber
Patrick OMalley, Rutgers University
Practicum Year: 2009
Practicum Supervisor: Mike Heffner, Staff Scientist, Physics, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Spin state of Ferric Iron in Mg-Silicate Perovskite to 84 GPa
Krystle Catalli, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Practicum Year: 2008
Practicum Supervisor: Hyunchae Cynn, Dr., High Pressure Physics, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
HYDRA Simulations of Radiating Shock Experiments
Forrest Doss, University of Michigan
Practicum Year: 2008
Practicum Supervisor: Larry Suter, Dr., AX Division, Weapons and Complex Integration, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
1. Ionic Conductivity in Complex Molecular Liquids at High Pressure, 2. Phase Separation in Hydrogen-Helium Mixtures
Miguel Morales, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Practicum Year: 2008
Practicum Supervisor: Eric Schwegler, Group Leader, Quantum Simulations Group, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Quantum Correlations from Realistic NN Interactions
Angelo Signoracci, Michigan State University
Practicum Year: 2008
Practicum Supervisor: Erich Ormand, Group Leader, Nuclear Theory and Modeling Group, N-Division, Physical Sciences Directorate, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
A Proposal for Broadband Optical Characterization of Window Materials for HED Experiments
Dylan Spaulding, University of California, Berkeley
Practicum Year: 2008
Practicum Supervisor: Bruce Remington, Group Leader, HED Program, Y-Division (HED), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory