John Copley
- Program Year: 4
- Academic Institution: Princeton University
- Field of Study: Materials Science and Mineral Physics
- Academic Advisor: Thomas Duffy
- Practicum(s):
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (2023) - Degree(s):
M.S. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, 2020; B.S. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, 2018
Summary of Research
Where thermodynamics controls whether a phase transformation should happen, kinetics control whether, and how quickly, that transformation does happen. By using time-resolved diffraction and piezo-driven rapid compression with a dynamic diamond anvil cell, I am able to probe the effects of compression rate and over-pressure on the kinetics of phase transformations, helping address uncertainty as to the effects these parameters have on the results we see in laboratory high-pressure experiments, but also real world events, which occur over a variety of time scales. My recent work has focused on CdSe and Fe transforming under high pressure, but ambient temperature conditions. Characterization and initial studies using a dDAC compatible with laser heating should help open the door for future experiments combining high compression rate and high temperatures.Publications
Identification of Potential TRIP Alloys by CALPHAD Methods, an Accessible Approach, J.A. Copley, F.G. Coury, B. Ellyson. A.J. Clarke. JOM 75(9), 4039-4046, 2023Morphological stability of solid-liquid interfaces under additive manufacturing conditions, D. Tourret, J. Klemm-Toole, A.E. Castellanos, B. Rogers, G. Becker, A. Saville, B. Ellyson, C. Johnson, B. Milligan, J.A. Copley, R. Ochoa, A. Polonsky, K. Pusch, M. Haines, K. Fezzaa, T. Sun, K.D. Clarke. Acta Materialia 250, 118858, 2023
High strain rate deformation of aged TRIP Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al (wt.%) examined by in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction. B. Ellyson, A. Saville, K. Fezzaa, T. Sun, N. Parab, C. Finfrock, C.J. Rietema, D. Smith, J.A. Copley, C. Johnson. C.G. Becker, J. Klemm-Toole, C. Kirk, N. Kedir, J. Gao, W. Chen. K.D. Clarke, A.J. Clarke. Acta Materialia, 245, 118621, 2023
Considerations of Sample Thickness and Detector Placement in Intensity Limited Polychromatic X-Ray Diffraction Experiments, J.A. Copley, B. Ellyson, J. Klemm-Toole, J. Gao, N. Kedir, C. Kirk, W. Chen, N. Parab, T. Sun, K. Fezzaa, K.D. Clarke, A.J. Clarke. Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials 8 (4), 492-499, 2023
Transformation and twinning induced plasticity in metastable Ti-Mo alloys under high strain rate deformation. B. Ellyson, K. Fezzaa. T. Sun. N. Parab, A. Saville, C. Finfrock, C.J. Rietema, D. Smith, J.A. Copley, C. Johnson. C.G. Becker, J. Klemm-Toole, C. Kirk, N. Kedir, J. Gao, W. Chen. R. Banerjee, K.D. Clarke, A.J. Clarke. Materials Science and Engineering: A 857, 143716, 2022
Resolving the Martensitic Transformation in Q&P Steels In-Situ at Dynamic Strain Rates Using Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction. C.B. Finfrock, B. Ellyson, C.G. Becker, J.A. Copley, K. Fezzaa, N. Parab, T. Sun, C. Kirk, N. Kedir, W. Chen, A.J. Clarke, K.D. Clarke. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 53 (10), 3528-3535, 2022
In-Situ Observation of FCC->HCP Transformation Induced Plasticity Behavior During Dynamic Deformation of CoCrNi Multi-Principal Element Alloys. J.A. Copley, F.G. Coury, B. Ellyson, J. Klemm-Toole, J. Frishkoff, C. Finfrock, Z. Fisher, N. Kedir, C. Kirk, W. Chen. N. Parab, T. Sun, K. Fezzaa, K.D. Clarke, A.J. Clarke. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 53 (5), 1821-1830, 2022
Design and in-situ characterization of a strong and ductile Co-rich multicomponent alloy with transformation induced plasticity. F.G. Coury, D. Santana, Y. Guo, J.A. Copley, L. Otani, S. Fonseca, G. Zepon, C. Kiminami, M. Kaufman, A.J. Clarke. Scripta Materialia 173, 70-74, 2019
Phase equilibria, mechanical properties and design of quaternary refractory high entropy alloys. F.G. Coury, T. Butler, K. Chaput, A. Saville, J.A. Copley, J. Foltz, P. Mason, K.D. Clarke, M. Kaufman, A.J. Clarke. Materials and Design 155, 244-256, 2018
Harvey Scholarship, Colorado School of Mines (Aug 2015-Aug 2020)Outstanding Graduating Senior, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Colorado School of Mines (May 2018)
George S. Ansell Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering University Fellow (Aug 2018-Aug 2020)
Alpha Sigma Mu: Materials Engineering Honor Society (April 2018-Aug 2020)
3rd Place Student Poster Presentation, World Congress on High Entropy Alloys
TMS Materials Bowl Champion 2018, 2019, 2020
William G. Bowen Fellowship, Princeton University (Aug 2020-May 2021)