Monica Martinez Henriquez

  • Program Year: 2
  • Academic Institution: University of Texas at Austin
  • Field of Study: Materials Science
  • Academic Advisor: Eric Taleff
  • Practicum(s):
    Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico (2024)
    Los Alamos National Laboratory (2025)
  • Degree(s):
    B.S. Mechanical Engineering, University of Houston, 2020
  • Personal URL:



153rd The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society Annual Meeting & Exhibition - Abstract & Oral Presentation
March 2024
Refractory Metals Division 2024
- Recrystallization, Tensile Ductility, and Flow Stress of TZM and Mo-La Alloys at 1500 °C and 1700 °C
Martinez Henriquez, M.R., Rozak, G., Taleff, E.M.

152nd The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society Annual Meeting & Exhibition - Abstract & Oral Presentation
March 2023
Refractory Metals Division 2023
- Strengthening in Mo-La alloys at Temperatures from 1500 °C to 1700 °C
Martinez, M.R., Rozak, G., Taleff, E.M.

51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference - Conference Proceedings & Poster Presentation
January 2020
- Aphyric Ti-Rich Basalt from 74221,2
Martinez, M.R., Mueller, K., Barker, D.C., Nyarwaya, D., Luna, D., Shipman, A.M., Meen, J. K. Aphyric Ti-Rich Basalt from 74221,2. 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2020.

- Solubility of Ni and Fe in Haplobasalt at Different Oxygen Fugacity and Implications for Transition Metal Chemistry on the Moon
Luna, D., Shipman, A.M., Combs, C., Mueller, K., Martinez, M.R., Barker, D.C., Nyarwaya, D., Meen, J. K. Solubility of Ni and Fe in Haplobasalt at Different Oxygen Fugacity and Implications for Transition Metal Chemistry on the Moon. 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2020 vol. 47 248-250.

- Slowly Cooled Volcanic Glasses in 74221,2
Nyarwaya, D., Mueller, K., Barker, D.C., Martinez, M.R., Luna, D., Shipman, A.M., Meen, J. K. Slowly Cooled Volcanic Glasses in 74221,2. 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2020 vol. 47 255-257.

56th TcSUH Student Symposium - Abstract & Oral Presentation
April 2019
- A Study of Unusual Fines in the Lunar Soil
Martinez, M.R., Barker, D.C., Meen, J.K.

50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference - Conference Proceedings & Poster Presentation January 2019
- Lunar Soil Sample 74221,2 - A Study of Unusual Fines
Martinez, M.R., Barker, D.C., Meen, J. K. Lunar Soil Sample 74221,2-A Study of Unusual Fines. 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2019 vol. 24 108-109.

- In Situ Resource Utilization of Lunar Regolith by Thermal Reduction-A New Look
Meen, J.K., Barker, D.C., Martinez, M.R., Luna, D., Mueller, K. In Situ Resource Utilization of Lunar Regolith by Thermal Reduction - A New Look. 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2019 vol. 2019 8-9.

American Chemical Society - Southeastern Regional Meeting - Abstract & Poster Presentation November 2017
- Influences of first row transition metals on phase relations, compatibilities, and some properties of phases in MgO-Al2O3-SiO2
Martinez, M.R., Vu, B., Arceneaux, B., Mueller, K., Meen, J.K.


- DOE NNSA SSGF Fellow (Current)
- NASA NSTGRO Awardee (Declined), April 2023
- 2nd Place for Most Outstanding NSF RET Mentor Award, Summer 2022
- T.W. Whaley, Jr. Friends of Alec Endowed Scholarship, 2022-2023
- Virginia and Ernest Cockrell, Jr. Fellowship in Engineering, 2022-2023
- Virginia and Ernest Cockrell, Jr. Fellowship in Engineering, 2021-2022
- UT Graduate School Mentoring Fellowship, 2021 - 2022

- Featured in a summer internship spotlight in the Roadrunner newsletter of SwRI, Summer 2020
- Included in the Internship Spotlight series by the UH Engineering Career Center, Aug. 20th, 2020
- Highlighted in the 2019 Fall Address by the President of The University of Houston, Oct. 2nd, 2019
- Guest speaker in NPR's Houston Matters, Sept. 20th, 2019
- Featured on the front page of The Houston Chronicle, Sept. 10th, 2019
- Provost's Undergraduate Research Scholarship, Fall 2019
- Academic Excellence Scholarship, 2017-2018