Lab Spotlights DOE CSGF Recipients on Practicums News: Monday, July 2, 2018 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory featured the eight students who are at the facility for the summer.
DOE NNSA SSGF Alumnus Receives Early-career Research Award News: Wednesday, June 27, 2018 Alex Zylstra of Los Alamos National Laboratory will study nuclear astrophysics with inertial fusion implosions.
Now on ASCR Discovery: Cellular Energy Crisis News: Thursday, June 14, 2018 An Arizona State University scientist mines supercomputer simulations of protein dynamics for biological energy-conversion principles.
Alumna Part of Record-breaking Experiments News: Wednesday, June 13, 2018 Laura Berzak Hopkins was lead designer on the National Ignition Facility shots that doubled the previous record for neutron yield.
Now on ASCR Discovery: Steady as She Flows News: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 Aiming to boost aircraft safety, speed and fuel efficiency, engineers turn to Argonne’s Mira supercomputer to study supersonic turbulence.
Now on ASCR Discovery: The Incredible Shrinking Data News: Wednesday, May 16, 2018 An Argonne National Laboratory computer scientist finds efficiencies for extracting knowledge from a data explosion.