Asohan Amarasingham

  • Program Years: 1998-2002
  • Academic Institution: Brown University
  • Field of Study: Cognitive Science
  • Academic Advisor: Stuart Geman
  • Practicum(s):
    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (1999)
  • Degree(s):
    Ph.D. Applied Mathematics, Brown University, 2004
    M.Sc. Cognitive & Linguistic Sciences, Brown University, 1999
    B.A. Mathematics & Cognitive Science, University of Virginia, 1997

Current Status


Amarasingham A, Geman S, Harrison MT. Ambiguity and nonidentifiability in the statistical analysis of neural codes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2015 May 19;112(20):6455-60.

Amarasingham A, Harrison MT, Hatsopoulos NG, Geman S. Conditional modeling and the jitter method of spike resampling. Journal of neurophysiology. 2012 Jan 15;107(2):517-31.

Pastalkova, S., Itskov, V., Amarasingham, A., Buzsaki, G., "Internally generate cell assembly sequences in the rat hippocampus," Science, 321:1322-1327, (2008).

Fujisawa, S., Amarasingham, A., Harrison, M.T., Buzsaki, G., "Behavior-dependent short-term assembly dynamics in the medial prefrontal cortex," Nature Neuroscience, 11:823-833, (2008).

Amarasingham, A., Chen, T-L, Geman, S., Harrison, M.T., Sheinberg, D.L. "Spike Count Reliability and the Poisson Hypothesis", Journal of Neuroscience, 26:801-809, (2006).

Hatsopoulos, N., Geman, S., Amarasingham, A., Bienenstock, E. "At what time scale does the nervous system operate?", Neurocomputing, (52-54):25-29, (2003).

Hatsopoulos, N., Amarasingham, A., Bienenstock, E., Geman, S., Donoghue, J. "Assessing precise temporal patterns of spikes among cortical neurons" Society of Neuroscience Abs., (2001)

Amarasingham, A., and Levy, W. B, "Predicting the distribution of synaptic strengths and cell firing correlations in a self-organizing, sequence-prediction model". Neural Computation, 10(1):25-57, (1998).


DOE CSGF Fellowship 1998-2002
Dana Fellow, 2002
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow in Biological Informatics, 2005-2007