Kathleen Beutel

  • Program Years: 2009-2010
  • Academic Institution: University of Minnesota
  • Field of Study: Computational Chemistry
  • Academic Advisor: Joern Ilja Siepmann
  • Practicum(s):
  • Degree(s):
    M.A.T. Secondary Education, National-Louis University, 2008
    B.A. Chemistry, Mathematics, Williams College, 2006

Current Status

  • Status: Environmental Program Specialist I, Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservation
  • Research Area: Computational Chemistry


K. M. Beutel and E. Peacock-López, Complex dynamics in a cross-catalytic self-replication mechanism, J. Chem. Phys. 126, 125104/1-5 (2007). Selected by the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research (2007).

K. M. Beutel and E. Peacock-López, Chemical oscillations: two-variable chemical models, Chem. Educator 12, 224-235 (2007).

K. M. Beutel and E. Peacock-López, Chemical oscillations and turing patterns in a generalized two-variable model of chemical self-replication, J. Chem. Phys. 125, 024908/1-8 (2006). Selected by the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research (2006).


John Wertz Fellowship in Chemistry, University of Minnesota, August 2008 - 2009

Highest Honors in Chemistry (earned for undergraduate honors thesis, "Chemical Self-Replication: A Dynamical Model," advisor: Professor Enrique Peacock-López), Williams College, 06/2006
Chemistry and Mathematics Double Major
Inducted into Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society, 06/2006
William W. Kleinhandler Prize for Excellence in Music, Williams College, 06/2006
Dean's List, Williams College, 2004 - 2006
Class of 1960s Scholar in Chemistry, 2005