Jenelle Feather

  • Program Years: 2016-2020
  • Academic Institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Field of Study: Neuroscience
  • Academic Advisor: Josh McDermott
  • Practicum(s):
    Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (2018)
  • Degree(s):
    Ph.D. Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2022
    B.S. Brain and Cognitive Sciences, and B.S. Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2013

Current Status


Metamers of neural networks reveal divergence from human perceptual systems. Feather J., Durango A. Gonzalez R., & McDermott, J. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. (2019).

Untangling in Invariant Speech Recognition. Stephenson C., Feather J., Padhy S. Elibol O., Tang H., McDermott J., Chung S. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. (2019).

Intracranial recordings from human auditory cortex reveal a neural population selective for musical song. Norman-Haignere, S., Feather, J., Brunner, P., Ritaccio, S., McDermott, J., Schalk, G., and Kanwisher, K. BioRxiv. (2019).

Representational similarity precedes category selectivity in the developing ventral visual pathway. Cohen, M., Dilks, D., Koldewyn, K., Weigelt, S.,Feather J., Kell, A., Keil, B., Fischl, B., and Zollei, L., Wald, L. Saxe, R., Kanwisher K. Neuroimage. (2019).

Auditory Texture Models Derived from Task-Optimized Deep Neural Network Representations. Feather J. & McDermott, J. Association For Research In Otolaryngology (ARO) Annual Mid-Winter Meeting (Podium Presentation) (2019).

Auditory texture synthesis from task-optimized convolutional neural networks. Feather J. & Mc- Dermott, J. Society for Neuroscience (2018).

Neural Selectivity for Music, Speech, and Song in Human Auditory Cortex. Norman-Haignere, S., Feather J., Brunner, P., Ritaccio, A., McDermott, J., Kanwisher, N., & Schalk, G. Society for Neuroscience (2018).

Auditory texture synthesis from task-optimized convolutional neural networks. Feather J. & Mc- Dermott, J. Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience. (2018) (Podium Presentation).

Model sonification reveals advantages of task-optimized sensory models. Feather J. & McDermott, J. Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne). (2018).

"Sonification of Auditory Models via Synthesis of Statistically Matched Stimuli." International Conference on Auditory Cortex (2017). Feather, J. and McDermott, J.

"High-resolution intracranial recordings provide direct electrophysiological evidence for music and speech-selective neural populations in human auditory cortex." Neurology 88.16 Supplement (2017). Norman-Haignere, S., Feather, J. (Presenting Author), Brunner, P., Ritaccio, A., McDermott, J., Kanwisher, N., Schalk, G.

"High-resolution intracranial recordings provide direct electrophysiological evidence for music and speech-selective neural populations in human auditory cortex." Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. (2016). Norman-Haignere, S., Feather, J., Brunner, P., Ritaccio, A., McDermott, J., Kanwisher, N., Schalk, G.

"Connectivity precedes function in the development of the visual word form area." Nature Neuroscience (2016). Saygin, Z., Osher, D., Norton, E., Youssoufian, D., Beach, S., Feather J., Gaab, N., Gabrieli, J., & Kanwisher, K.

"Tikhonov regularized regression for voxel-wise modeling of fMRI responses to natural stories." Organization for Human Brain Mapping (2016). Feather, J. Huth, A., Nunez-Elizalde, A., Gallant, J.

"Tikhonov regularized regression for voxel-wise modeling of fMRI responses to natural stories." Pattern Recognition for Neuroimaging (2016). Feather, J. Huth, A., Nunez-Elizalde, A., Gallant, J.

"Common representational structures across the ventral pathway of children and adults" Journal of Vision (2016). Cohen, M., Dilks, D., Feather, J., Kanwisher, N.

"Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science." Science. (2015). Open Science Collaboration.

"Function and connectivity of the VWFA and FFA." Organization for Human Brain Mapping (2015). Saygin Z.M., Scott T., Feather J., Fedorenko E., Kanwisher, N.

"Similar organization of the ventral visual pathway in humans and macaque monkeys: Color regions sandwiched between face and scene regions." Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. (2014). Lafer-Sousa R., Conway, B., Kell, A., Feather J., Takahashi, A., Kanwisher N.


Travel award for NeurIPS (2019)
Travel award for ARO Annual MidWinter Meeting (2019)
Travel award for Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (2018)
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (declined), 2015
Ralph Kellogg Chancellors Endowed Fellowship (UCSF), 2015.

Hans-Lukas Teuber Award for Outstanding Academics in BCS at MIT (2013).
Honorable Mention for Outstanding Academic Record in BCS at MIT (2011, 2012).