Ryder Fox
- Program Years: 2018-2022
- Academic Institution: University of Miami
- Field of Study: Meteorology and Physical Oceanography
- Academic Advisor: David Nolan
- Practicum(s):
Brookhaven National Laboratory (2021)
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (2021) - Degree(s):
B.S. Physics, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, 2018
Current Status
- Research Area: Meteorology and Physical Oceanography
- Personal URL: http://kryderfox.com
Refereed Publications:Fox, K. Ryder, Brian D. McNoldy, Annareli Morales, and David S. Nolan, 2022: Sensitivity of surface rainfall in landfalling Hurricane Florence (2018) to sub-kilometer grid spacing and microphysics parameterizations, Mon. Wea. Rev., Submitted.
Fox, K. Ryder, and Falko Judt, 2017: A numerical study on the extreme intensification of Hurricane Patricia (2015). Wea. and Forecasting, 33, 989-999. [doi.org/10.1175/WAF-D-17-0101.1]
Non-Refereed Publications:
Fox, K. Ryder and Falko Judt, 2018: How Predictable was the Extreme Intensification of 2015's Hurricane Patricia? Conference Notebook, Bull. Am. Meteor. Soc. 99(10), 1991-1993.
Fox, K. Ryder, 2016: Dissecting the Rapid Intensification of Hurricane Patricia. Down to Earth Department, Physics Today. [Available online at: https://goo.gl/NqwYZD]
Selected Talks:
Fox, K. Ryder, Joseph Trujillo-Falcom, and Paulette Blanchard, 2022: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility in the Weather, Water, Climate Enterprise. Invited Keynotes. AMS Washington Forum, American Meteorological Society, Washington D.C.
Fox, K. Ryder, Mariko Oue, Pavlos Kollias, and Aleksandra Tatarevic, 2021: Variations in cloud radar signatures: CRSIM applied to an MC3E squall line model intercomparison, Applied Radar Science Group, Brookhaven National Laboratory and Stony Brook University.
Fox, K. Ryder, Brian McNoldy, and David Nolan, 2021: Microphysical Impacts to Floods Resulting from Landfalling Hurricanes. 34th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, Virtual.
Fox, K. Ryder, Stephanie Huard, Emmett Leddin, Lilian Martinez, AJ Bryant, and Noeh Juarez, 2020: Mental Health Interventions for People in STEMM with Marginalized Identities, AMS 101st Annual Meeting, American Meteorological Society, Virtual.
Fox, K. Ryder, Brian McNoldy, and David Nolan, 2020: The Impact of Ice Microphysics on Flooding Resulting from Landfalling Hurricanes. COMPASS Student Seminar, University of Miami RSMAS, Miami, FL.
Fox, K. Ryder, Brian McNoldy, and David Nolan, 2019: The Impact of Ice Microphysics on Flooding Resulting from Landfalling Hurricanes. 34th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, New Orleans, LA, American Meteorological Society (accepted; postponed due to COVID-19).
Lilian Martinez and K. Ryder Fox: PositiviTEA: How one Diversity Organization Impacted Mental Health Disparities Among Members. 2019 SACNAS: The Diversity in STEM Conference, Honolulu, HI. Society for the Advancement of Chicano/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science.
Fox, K. Ryder, Brian McNoldy, and David Nolan, 2019: The Impact of Ice Microphysics on Flooding Resulting from Landfalling Hurricanes. COMPASS Student Seminar, University of Miami RSMAS, Miami, FL.
Fox, K. Ryder and Lianna Newman, 2019: Allyship In Motion Certification Training. 9th Annual oSTEM Conference. Out in Sci., Tech., Eng., Math.
Jearld Ambrose: Coping with Being the Only One: A panel to discuss how diverse people navigate STEM when they are the only person with their identity. Optimizing the Intern Research Experience. Woods Hole, MA. Woods Hole Partnership Education Program.
Fox, K. Ryder and Jared Canright, 2018: Get yourself funded! Writing Successful Scholarship and Fellowship Applications. 8th Annual oSTEM Conference. Out in Sci., Tech., Eng., Math.
Fox, K. Ryder, Iksha Gurung, J.J. Miller, Manil, Maskey, and Andrew Molthan, 2018: Applying Deep Convolutional Neural Networks to the Estimation of Tropical Cyclone Intensity within Passive Microwave Images. Summer Poster Expo, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center,
Fox, K. R., F. Judt, and D. Ahijevych, 2018: Evaluating Tropical Cyclones Simulated by a Global Convection-Permitting Model. 33rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Amer. Meteor. Soc.
Judt, F., and K. R. Fox, 2018: The Extreme Intensification and Predictability of 2015's Hurricane Patricia. 33rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Amer. Meteor. Soc.
Sessions, S., K. R.Fox, S. Sentic, and P. T. Haertel, 2018: Evaluating Lagrangian Model Simulations of the Madden-Julian Oscillation with Metrics for Balanced Dynamics. 33rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Amer. Meteor. Soc.
Fox, K. Ryder and Traci Davis, 2017: LGBTQIA+ STEM 202: It Begins at Inclusion. 7th Annual oSTEM Conference, Out in Sci., Tech., Eng., Math.
Fox, K. R., F. Judt, and D. Ahijevych, Evaluating Tropical Cyclones Simulated by a Global Convection-Permitting Model. Zone 16 Meeting, Soc. Phys. Stud.
Fox, K. R. and F. Judt, 2017: How Predictable was the Extreme Intensity of Hurricane Patricia (2015)? 18th Cyclone Workshop.
Fox, K. R., F. Judt, and D. Ahijevych, Evaluating Tropical Cyclones Simulated by a Global Convection-Permitting Model. SOARS Colloquium, Univ. Corp. Atmos. Res.
Fox, K. R. and F. Judt, 2017: How Predictable was the Extreme Intensity of Hurricane Patricia (2015)? Physics Department Colloquium, New Mexico Tech.
Fox, K. R. and L. Martinez, 2016: Breaking the Silence and Releasing the Stigma: LGBTQ+ Mental Health. 6th Annual National Conference, Out in Sci., Tech., Eng., Math.
Fox, K. R. and F. Judt, 2016: Behind the Rapid Intensification of Hurricane Patricia, the Strongest Recorded Hurricane in History. Joint Meeting of the Four Corners and Texas Sections of the American Physical Society, Amer. Phys. Soc., 61(15).
Fox, K. Ryder, 2016: The State of Underrepresented Students at New Mexico Tech. An Institutional Review Board approved study presented to the New Mexico Tech Administration.
Fox, K. R., S. Brinton, and T. Davis, 2016: Seeing Between the Lines: Trans and Non-Binary Gender Identities in STEM. 15th Annual Philadelphia Trans Health Conference, Phil. Trans Health Conf.
Selected Posters:
Fox, K. Ryder and David Nolan, 2019: Impact of Cloud Microphysics on Idealized Hurricane Intensity. DOE CSGF Annual Review, Crystal City, VA.
Fox, K. Ryder and David Nolan, 2019: Impact of Cloud Microphysics on Idealized Hurricane Intensity. Optimizing the Intern Research Experience, Woods Hole, MA.
Fox, K. Ryder, Iksha Gurung, J.J. Miller, Manil, Maskey, and Andrew Molthan, 2019: Applying Deep Convolutional Neural Networks to the Estimation of Tropical Cyclone Intensity within Passive Microwave Images. 99th AMS Annual Meeting. Phoenix. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
Fox, K. Ryder, Falko Judt, and David Ahijevych, 2018: Evaluating Tropical Cyclones Simulated by a Global Convection-Permitting Model. Third Symposium on Multi-Scale Predictability: Data-model Integration and Uncertainty Quantification for Climate and Earth System Monitoring and Prediction, 98th AMS Annual Meeting. Austin, TX. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 372.
Fox, K. Ryder and Aaron Pina, 2017: Retaining LGBTQ+ Students and Early Career Professionals in STEM through Holistic Engagement. 27th Symposium on Education 98th AMS Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 1031A.
Fox, K. Ryder, Falko Judt, and David Ahijevych, 2017: Evaluating Tropical Cyclones Simulated by a Global Convection-Permitting Model. Internship Research Poster Session, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research.
Fox, K. Ryder and Falko Judt, 2017: Behind the Rapid Intensification of Hurricane Patricia, the Strongest Recorded Hurricane in History. Robert A. Houze, Jr. Symposium 97th AMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 430.
Fox, K. Ryder and Falko Judt, 2016: Behind the Rapid Intensification of Hurricane Patricia, the Strongest Recorded Hurricane in History. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Amer. Geo. Union, A431- 0380.
Fox, K. Ryder and Falko Judt, 2016: Behind the Rapid Intensification of Hurricane Patricia, the Strongest Recorded Hurricane in History. Internship Research Poster Session, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research.
Fox, K. Ryder, 2016: Identifying Downdrafts in Convective Organization: Improving Climate Modeling through Deeper Understanding. Student Research Symposium, Socorro, NM, New Mexico Tech.
Fox, K. Ryder and A. J. Schlesinger, 2015: Photovoltaic Cell Power, Efficiency, and Wavelength Dependence. Student Research Symposium, Socorro, NM, New Mexico Tech.
Department of Energy Computational Graduate Science Fellow, 2018Point Scholar, Point Foundation, 2018
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow, 2018, declined.
Albert G. Petschek Award for Excellence in Theoretical Physics, New Mexico Tech, 2018
Space Grant, 2018. Awarded by the New Mexico Space Grant Consortium to continue MPAS research I began at NCAR in summer 2017.
Tech Scholar Award, 2017. Awarded by the New Mexico Tech Physics Department.
SOARS Protege Scholarship, 2017-2018. Awarded to student interns by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research.
Out to Innovate 2017-2018 Undergraduate Scholarship, Awarded by NOGLSTP for LGBTQ+ STEM advocacy and academic GPA.
Jay Fein Scholarship, Merit scholarship for seniors, awarded by the American Meteorological Society, 2017
Presidential Scholarship, 2017. Merit award for seniors at New Mexico Tech.
Robert A. Houze Jr. Symposium Student Travel Award, 2017. Awarded to two students for poster presentations at a named symposium in the 97th AMS Annual Meeting
Society of Physics Students Travel Award, 2017. Awarded for poster presentation at the 97th AMS Annual Meeting
Student Government Association Research Travel Grant, New Mexico Tech, 2016. Awarded for poster presentation at the AGU Fall Meeting.
Outstanding Undergraduate Oral Presentation, American Physical Society, 2016. Awarded for research presentation at the APS Four Corners Section Meeting.
American Physical Society Travel Award, 2016. Awarded for research presentation at the APS Four Corners Meeting.
SOARS Protege Scholarship, 2016-2017. Awarded to student interns by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research.
NOAA EPP Scholarship, 2016. Declined.
Student Appreciation Award, New Mexico Tech, 2015. Awarded for underrepresented student advocacy.