Christopher Oehmen
- Program Years: 1999-2003
- Academic Institution: University of Memphis/University of Tennessee, HSC
- Field of Study: Biomedical Engineering
- Academic Advisor: Semahat Demir
- Practicum(s):
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (2000) - Degree(s):
Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering, University of Memphis/University of Tennessee Health Science Center, 2003
M.S. Biomedical Engineering, University of Memphis/UT Health Science Center, 1999
B.A. Physics and Mathematics, St. Louis University, 1995
Current Status
- Status: Senior Research Scientist, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Group, PNNL
- Research Area: High Performance Computing in Computational Biology
- Personal URL: https://www.pnnl.gov/science/staff/staff_info.asp?staff_num=7051
High performance computing has many possible areas of application in life sciences. Currently, I am interested in1) identifying peptides from high-throughput tandem MS data,
2) high performance searching methodologies for basic sequence alignment of genomic and proteomic data,
3) developing models for cell signalling pathways,
4) high performance integrative modeling of physiological systems from genomic data to tissues and beyond and
5) fault-tolerant high performance programming methodologies for scientific computing requiring thousands of processors or more.