Graham Pash

  • Program Years: 2020-2024
  • Academic Institution: University of Texas at Austin
  • Field of Study: Computational Science, Engineering and Mathematics
  • Academic Advisor: Karen Willcox
  • Practicum(s):
    National Renewable Energy Laboratory (2022)
    National Renewable Energy Laboratory (2023)
  • Degree(s):
    B.S. Applied Mathematics, and B.S. Mechanical Engineering, North Carolina State University, 2019

Current Status

  • Status: Graduate Student
  • Research Area: Computational Science, Engineering and Mathematics


Journal Articles:
Graham Pash, Malik Hassanaly, Shashank Yellapantula. A Priori Uncertainty Quantification of Turbulence Closure Models using Bayesian Neural Networks. Under Review.

Anirban Chaudhuri, Graham Pash, David A. Hormuth, Guillermo Lorenzo, Michael Kapteyn, Chengyue Wu, Ernesto ABF Lima, Thomas E. Yankeelov, and Karen Willcox. "Predictive digital twin for optimizing patient-specific radiotherapy regimens under uncertainty in high-grade gliomas." Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 6 (2023).

Paul R. Miles, Pash, Graham T., Ralph C. Smith, and William S. Oates. Bayesian inference and uncertainty propagation using efficient fractional-order viscoelastic models for dielectric elastomers. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. November 2020. doi:10.1177/1045389X20969847

Benjamin Kirschmeier, Graham Pash, Zachary Gianikos, Albert Medina, Ashok Gopalarathnam, and Matthew Bryant. "Aeroelastic inverse: Estimation of aerodynamic loads during large amplitude limit cycle oscillations." Journal of Fluids and Structures 98 (2020): 103131.

Conference Proceedings:
Paul R Miles, Pash, Graham T, Ralph C Smith, and William S Oates. Global sensitivity analysis of fractional-order viscoelasticity models. In Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials XIII, volume 10968, page 1096806. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2019.

Paul Miles, Pash, Graham, William Oates, and Ralph C Smith. Numerical techniques to model fractional-order nonlinear viscoelasticity in soft elastomers. In ASME 2018 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems. American Society of Mechanical Engineers Digital Collection, 2018.

Technical Reports:
Philip Irminger, Dan King, Drew Herron, Gregory S Sheets, Philip N Overholt, Zhi Li, and Pash, Graham. Report on Oak Ridge National Laboratory Testing of Southwire 795 c7 Round Wire. Technical report, Oak Ridge National Lab.(ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States), 2018.
Paul Miles, Graham Pash, Ralph Smith, William Oates (February 2019). Numerical Techniques to Approximate Fractional-Order Nonlinear Viscoelasticity in Soft Elastomers. Presented at SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE19).

Graham Pash, Jaye Sudweeks, and Davis Atkinson (July 2017). An Agent-Based Model for Developing and Evaluating Efficient Toll Plaza Designs. Presented at MAA MathFest 2017.

Graham Pash (August 2016). Thermal Camera Image Processing to Monitor Powerline Temperatures. Poster presented at Oak Ridge National Laboratory Summer Intern Poster Session.


Graduate - UT Austin:
SIAM Student Chapter Certificate of Recognition, 2024
CSEM Fellowship, awarded Spring 2020
DoD NDSEG, awarded Spring 2020 (declined)

Undergraduate - North Carolina State University:
NFL Big Data Bowl Finalist, Spring 2020
ASA Statsketball Champion, Spring 2017 & Spring 2019
Basketball Analytics Summit Case Competition Winner, Spring 2019
Outstanding Winner, SIAM Prize Recipient, MAA Prize Recipient, Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications (COMAP) Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM), Spring 2017
Meritorious Winner, COMAP MCM, Spring 2015, Spring 2016
Honorable Mention, COMAP MCM, Spring 2018
John W. Cell Scholarship, 2017-2019