Britni Crocker

  • Program Years: 2012-2016
  • Academic Institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Field of Study: Computational Neuroscience
  • Academic Advisor: Sydney Cash
  • Practicum(s):
    Los Alamos National Laboratory (2013)
  • Degree(s):
    M.S. Neural and Behavorial Sciences, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, 2011; B.S. Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, 2009

Current Status

  • Research Area: Computational Neuroscience


Morphometric differences in planum temporale in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder revealed by statistical analysis of labeled cortical depth maps. Ratnanather JT, Cebron S, Ceyhan E, Postell E, Pisano DV, Poynton CB, Crocker B, Honeycutt NA, Mahon PB, Barta PE. Front Psychiatry. 2014

Morphometry of superior temporal gyrus and planum temporale in schizophrenia and psychotic bipolar disorder. Ratnanather JT1, Poynton CB, Pisano DV, Crocker B, Postell E, Cebron S, Ceyhan E, Honeycutt NA, Mahon PB, Barta PE. Schiz Res 2013

Relevance of exocytotic glutamate release from retinal glia. Slezak M, Grosche A, Niemiec A, Tanimoto N, Pannicke T, Münch TA, Crocker B, Isope P, Härtig W, Beck SC, Huber G, Ferracci G, Perraut M, Reber M, Miehe M, Demais V, Lévêque C, Metzger D, Szklarczyk K, Przewlocki R, Seeliger MW, Sage-Ciocca D, Hirrlinger J, Reichenbach A, Reibel S, Pfrieger FW. Neuron 2012

An MRI study of amygdala in schizophrenia and psychotic bipolar disorder. Mahon PB, Eldridge H, Crocker B, Notes L, Gindes H, Postell E, King S, Potash JB, Ratnanather JT, Barta PE. Schizophr Res. 2012