Modeling the Dynamics of the Bose-Einstein Condensate: Quasi One-Dimension and Beyond
Mary Ann Leung, University of Washington
The quasi one-dimensional (1D) Bose-Einsten condensate is experimentally accessible and rich in intriguing phenomena. Quasi 1D confinement occurs when the transverse excitations are of high energy and thus the longitudinal dynamics dominate. Using mean field theory (aka the nonlinear Schrödinger equation) we demonstrate numerically and analytically the existence, stability, and perturbation-induced dynamics of stationary states of the quasi-one dimensional condensate. Among our quasi 1D results are: the connection between stationary states and solitons, manipulation of such states by imposition of phase profiles, and a robust stabilization of the attractive Bose-Einstein condensate. Beyond quasi 1D confinement, we find that planar nodes decay into vortex pairs or rings. These mean-field theoretical predictions are compared with experiments indicating vortex ring formation and very recent reports of the production and propagation of matter-wave soliton trains in quasi one-dimensional attractive Bose-Einstein condensates.
Abstract Author(s): M.A. Leung, L.D. Carr, W.P. Reinhardt