1 | Matt Fago | Density Functional Theory as a Finite Element Constitutive Model |
3 | Charles Hindman | Reduced order modelling and control for 2D and 3D airfoils |
5 | Justin Koo | Sheath Effects in Computational Hall Thruster Modeling |
7 | Annette Evangelisti | Recovering genetic regulatory networks from microarray data |
9 | Catherine Grasso | Multiple Sequence Alignment Using Partial Order Graphs |
11 | Elijah Newren | Computational Issues in the Simulation of Blood Clotting |
13 | Christopher Oehmen | Building a heart model from cells |
15 | Heather Netzloff | MD + EFP --> ??? : A Tale of Molecular Dynamics and the Effective Fragment Potential Method |
17 | Diem-Phuong Nguyen | ILDM Reaction Modeling in Turbulent Combustion Simulations |
19 | Christopher Rinderspacher | Basis set dependence of ORD and CD spectra |
21 | Richard Mills | Algorithmic modifications of locally preconditioned parallel iterative solvers to balance CPU and memory load |
23 | Matthew Wolinsky | Submarine Slope Stability over Geologic Time |
25 | Devin Balkcom | Computing Wrench Cones for Planar Rigid Body Contact Tasks |
27 | Judith Hill | A Phase-Field Approach to Modeling Fluid-Fluid Interfaces in an Eulerian Framework |
29 | Eric Lee | Geometric Design of Robotic Systems Using Computational Algebraic Geometry |
31 | Catherine Norman | Droplets Rising in a Channel with the Level Set Method |
33 | Benjamin Kirk | Nested Grid Iteration for Incompressible Viscous Flow and Transport |
35 | Heath Hanshaw | Asymptotically Derived Discretization and Acceleration Schemes for Radiation Transport |
37 | Sommer Gentry | Inverse Dynamics for Analyzing Uninstrumented Video of Human Motion |
39 | Marcelo Alvarez | A Model for the Formation and Evolution of Cosmological Haloes |
41 | Kristopher Andersen | Localized basis sets in electronic structure theory: How do you solve a large (yet sparse) generalized eigenvalue problem? |
43 | Mary Ann Leung | Modeling the Dynamics of the Bose-Einstein Condensate: Quasi One-Dimension and Beyond |
2 | Matthew McNenly | Determining the validity of slip models for MEMS flows |
4 | Jarrod Chapman | JAZZ: A Whole Genome Shotgun Assembler |
6 | Gavin Conant | Parallel Genehunter: Implementation of a Linkage Analysis Package for Distributed-Memory Architectures |
8 | Ahna Girshick | Does variance predict visual-haptic adaptation in shape perception? |
10 | Kristen Grauman | Communication via Eye Blinks — Detection and Duration Analysis in Real Time |
12 | Boyce Griffith | Numerical Methods for the Bidomain Equations |
14 | Michael Kowalok | Region-of-Interest Adjoint Functions as an Initial Guess for Iterative Inverse Treatment Planning |
16 | Julian Mintseris | Getting at the Basis of Protein-Protein Recognition Through Multivariate Analysis |
18 | Nouvelle Gebhart | Magnetic Susceptibility Calculations of Complex Magnetic Systems |
20 | Daniel Horner | Scalable methods for studying electron-impact ionization |
22 | Ahmed Ismail | Multiresolution analysis in statistical mechanics: Wavelet-accelerated Monte Carlo simulations |
24 | Joyce Noah | A molecular dynamics study of the temperature dependence of static and dynamic properties of a Lennard-Jones fluid at fixed density |
26 | Collin Wick | The Effect of Temperature on the Solvation of Alkanes, Alkanols, and Water |
28 | Nathan Crane | Parallel Adaptive Multigrid Methods for 3D Finite Element Structural Problems |
30 | Allison Baker | Reducing Memory Access Costs: Variants of GMRES |
32 | Richard Katz | Calculations of the thermal structure of subduction zones using a Crank-Nicholson Semi-Lagrangian Multigrid advection-diffusion scheme |
34 | Ryan Elliott | Stability of thermally-induced martensitic transformations in bi-atomic crystals |
36 | Benjamin Keen | A particle kinetic approach to compressible inviscid gas dynamics with embedded boundaries |
38 | Seung Lee | Unstructured Hexahedral Mesh Based on Conduction Temperature Distribution |
40 | Randall McDermott | Synthetic field formulation for simulation of turbulent reacting flows |
42 | Samuel Schofield | Sediment Particle Dynamics |
44 | Nathan Carstens | Using a Beowulf Cluster to Extend the Limits of Nuclear Reactor Design |
46 | Matthew Anderson | Experimentally constructing finite difference algorithms in numerical relativity |
48 | Robert Sedgewick | Dealing with the Sign Problem in the Hubbard Model |