Microphysics of Astrophysical Flames
L. Jonathan Dursi, University of Chicago
Type Ia supernovae are thought to begin with a deflagration phase, in which burning occurs as a subsonic flame, which accelerates and possibly undergoes a transition to a supersonic detonation. Both the acceleration and possible transition will depend on the microphysics of astrophysical flames, and their interaction with a turbulent flow in degenerate material. Here we present recent progress in studying the interactions of astrophysical flames and curvature and strain at the FLASH center; in particular, we discuss quantitative measurements of the effects of strain on burning rate of these flames, and their implications for instability growth and quenching.
Abstract Author(s): L. J. Dursi, M. Zingale, A. Caceres, A. C. Calder, F. X. Timmes, <br />J. W. Truran, R. Rosner, D. Q. Lamb, E. Brown, P. Ricker, B. Fryxell,<br />K. Olson, K. Riley, A. Siegel, N. Vladimirova