2003 DOE CSGF Annual Program Review Presentations Monday, July 14 – Thursday, July 17 Washington Court Hotel, Washington, D.C. Tuesday, July 15 Session I Jarrod Chapman University of California, Berkeley JAZZ: A whole genome shotgun assembler Jason Hunt University of Michigan An Adaptive 3D Cartesian Approach for the Parallel Computation of Inviscid Flow About Static and Dynamic Configurations Allison Baker University of Colorado Toward a Memory-efficient Linear Solver Diem-Phuong Nguyen University of Utah Subgrid-Scale Reaction Modeling Applied to Turbulent Combustion Simulations David Nelson National Coordination Office of Information Technology Research and Development (Luncheon) Modeling and Simulation: The Good, the Bad, and the Hopeful (PDF only) 2003 Howes Scholar Award Oliver Fringer Stanford University Nonhydrostatic Parallel Coastal Ocean Modeling Session II Mark D. White Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (Keynote) Crossing the Scales of Subsurface Science via Parallel Computing Eric Lee Rutgers University Computational Kinematic Design of Robot Manipulators Charles Hindman University of Colorado Control of Aeroelastic Structures Based on a Computational Reduced Order Modeling Method Matthew Fago Carnegie Mellon University Constrained sequential lamination: a sub-grid multiscale material model Heather Netzloff Iowa State University Simulating Solvent Effects and Liquid Behavior with the Effective Fragment Potential Method Wednesday, July 16 Session III Douglas B. Kothe Los Alamos National Laboratory (Keynote) Computational Manufacturing: Toward Simulating Metal Casting and Welding Process Ahmed Ismail Massachusetts Institute of Technology Multiresolution coarse-graining of polymer models Robert Sedgewick University of California, Santa Barbara Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations of the Hubbard Model Boyce Griffith New York University Numerical Approaches and Computational Results for Fluid Dynamics Problems with Immersed Elastic Structures Judith Hill Carnegie Mellon University A Phasefield Approach to Modeling Fluid-Fluid Interfaces in an Eulerian Framework