The Complex Langevin Method in Non-relativistic Rotating Bosonic Systems
Casey Berger, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Quantum field theories with a complex action suffer from a sign problem in stochastic nonperturbative treatments, making many systems of great interest - such as polarized or mass-imbalanced fermions and quantum chromodynamics (QCD) at finite baryon density - extremely challenging to treat numerically. Another such system is that of multiple bosons at finite angular momentum; experimentalists have successfully achieved vortex formation in supercooled bosonic atoms and have measured quantities of interest such as the moment of inertia. However, the rotation results in a complex action, making the usual numerical treatments of the theory unusable. In this work, we use complex stochastic quantization, a method that has gained much attention in lattice QCD, to circumvent the sign problem and calculate basic properties of rotating bosons with strong interactions.
Abstract Author(s): Casey E. Berger, Joaquin E. Drut