Is it Correlation or Causation? Uncertainty Quantification in Estimating Causal Effects with Unobserved Confounding

Miruna Oprescu, Cornell University

Photo of Miruna Oprescu

Estimating the heterogeneous effects of interventions from observational data is crucial for data-driven decision-making across many domains. Recent advances have yielded robust machine learning methods for estimating these treatment effects, but these methods often overlook the risk of unobserved confounders — latent variables that can arbitrarily and unknowingly bias causal estimates.

When we allow for hidden confounding, we cannot obtain unbiased point estimates of the conditional average treatment effect (CATE); however, we can instead bound the true, unbiased CATE. In this talk, I introduce the B-Learner, a flexible meta-learner that efficiently learns precise bounds on the CATE function, accounting for hidden confounders. The B-Learner can leverage various function estimators, such as random forests and deep neural networks, to produce these bounds.

The B-Learner has desirable theoretical properties: validity (correct bounds with high probability), sharpness (tightest possible bounds), and efficiency (less data required). Experimental comparisons using synthetic and real-world data showcase its practical utility, consistently providing tighter and more accurate bounds on the CATE than existing approaches.

Join me to explore how the B-Learner transforms causal inference, offering reliable insights despite hidden confounding, and enhancing the robustness of data-driven decision-making processes. This work is based on Oprescu, Miruna, et al. "B-learner: Quasi-oracle bounds on heterogeneous causal effects under hidden confounding." International Conference on Machine Learning. PMLR, 2023.