Alexandra Ballow
- Program Year: 4
- Academic Institution: Montana State University
- Field of Study: Algebraic Topology and Quantum Mechanics
- Academic Advisor: David Ayala
- Practicum(s):
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (2022)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (2023) - Degree(s):
B.S. Mathematics, and B.S. Physics, Youngstown State University, 2021
Machine Learning for Prediction of Mid to Long Term Habitual Transportation Mode Use. Paper session presented at: IEEE International Conference for Big Data; 2019, December, 9-12; Los Angles, CA, USA.Ballow, Alexandra & Chludzinski, Lindsey & Prieto-Langarica, Alicia. (2020). Agent-Based Modeling in Mathematical Biology: A Few Examples. 10.1007/978-3-030-33645-5_6.
One more is planned to be submitted within the month.
"Handling Missing Values in Joint Sequence Analysis"ÂÂ. Presentation at: ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing (TAPIA 2019) ACM Student Research Competition (SRC) (First place winner); 2019, September 18-21, San Diego, CA, USA.
"Infections Modeled using a Cellular Automata Structure". Presented at: MMA Mathfest: 2018, August 1-4, Denver, CO, USA.
"Handling Missing Values in Joint Sequence Analysis"ÂÂ. Poster presented at: ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing (TAPIA 2019) ACM Student Research Competition (SRC) (First place winner); 2019, September 18-21, San Diego, CA, USA.
"Joint Sequence Analysis Challenges: How to Handle Missing Values and Mixed Variable Types"ÂÂ. Poster presented at: SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE19); 2019, February 25-March 1, Spokanne, WA, USA.
Automatic Tagging of Stack Overflow Questions Using Word Embeddings and Deep Learning. Poster Presented at: Grace Hopper Celebration; 2019, October, 1-4. Orlando, FL, USA.
Automatic Tagging of Stack Overflow Questions Using Word Embeddings and Deep Learning. Poster Presented at: Ohio Celebration of Women in Computing (OCWiC); 2019, February, 22-23. Huron, OH, USA.
Modeling Graphene Squeeze-Film Pressure Sensors. Poster presented at: CRD Summer Student Poster Session. 2019, August, 1; Berkeley, CA, USA.
Infections Modeled using a Cellular Automata Structure. Poster Presented at: MMA Mathfest; Denver, Colorado, 2018, 1-4, August.
Performance Evaluation of Calorimeter Clustering Algorithms for Particle Tracking. Poster Presented at: SciPy; Virtual, 2020, 6-8 July.
A. Ballow, P. Linton, and D. J. Priour, Jr.
Phys. Rev. E 107, 014902 – Published 27 January 2023
Barry Goldwater Scholarship (2020-2021)ACM SRC Grand Finalist (2020)
NCWiT Collegiate Award Finalist (2020)
Dean's List, Youngstown State University (2017-2020)
Choose Ohio First Scholarship (2017-2021)
President's Scholarship (2017-2021)
Honors College Scholarship (2017-2021)
Assorted YSU Foundation Scholarships (2018-2021)
Several Conference travel scholarships