Alvaro Carbonero Gonzales
- Program Year: 1
- Academic Institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Field of Study: Electrical Engineering
- Academic Advisor: Priya Donti
- Practicum(s): Practicum Not Yet Completed
- Degree(s):
M.Math. Combinatorics and Optimization, University of Waterloo, 2023; B.S. Mathematics, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2021
Summary of Research
I am an incoming PhD student at MIT's EECS department. I will research the application of data driven methods, such as machine learning, to the improvement of large-scale power systems. In the fight against climate change, one of the most important areas to de-carbonize is electricity production. De-carbonizing sectors such as heating and transportation will involve their electrification, but without a clean source of electricity, this de-carbonization is not complete. Renewable energy provides a path towards clean electricity, but important technologies in this realm such as wind and solar energy do not supply a constant and controllable source of energy. To compensate for this, power systems operators will need access to new levels of computation to guarantee a reliable supply of electricity. My research will focus on using data driven methods that allow for the safe introduction of large intakes of renewable energy. Furthermore, I also want research how to make the grid more resilient to natural disasters and instability. I hope to achieve this through the creation of new algorithms that either provide mathematical guarantees of the grid's stability or that use relevant data to predict black-outs.Publications
12. A. Carbonero, V. Schmidt, S. Miret, A. Hernandez-Garcia, Y. Bengio, and D. Rolnick (2023). “On the importance of relative 3D information in the prediction of catalyst-adsorbate relaxed energy with disconnected GNNâ€. In: AI4MAT Workshop, NeurIPS 2023.11. A. Carbonero, H. Koerts, B. Moore, and S. Spirkl (2023). “On heroes in digraphs with forbidden induced forestsâ€. In: arXiv:2306.04710. Submitted.
10. A. Carbonero (2023). “On coloring digraphs with forbidden induced subgraphsâ€. MA thesis. University of Waterloo.
9. A. Carbonero, B. Castellano, G. Gordon, C. Kulick, B. Ohlinger, and K. Schmitz (2023). “Permutations of point sets in Rdâ€. In: Australas. J. Comb.
8. J. Brooks, A. Carbonero, J. Vargas, R. Florez, B. Rooney, and D. Narayan (2023). “Fixing Numbers of Point-Block Incidence Graphsâ€. In: MDPI Mathematics.
7. A. Carbonero, P. Hompe, B. Moore, and S. Spirkl (2023). “A counterexample to a conjecture about triangle-free induced subgraphs of graphs with large chromatic numberâ€. In: J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B.
6. A. Carbonero (2022). “On sequences of Pn-line graphsâ€. In: Australas. J. Comb.
5. A. Carbonero, P. Hompe, B. Moore, and S. Spirkl (2022). “Digraphs with all induced directed cycles of the same length are not dichi -boundedâ€. In: Electron. J. Comb.
4. A. Carbonero, J. Domantay, and K. Guthrie (2022). “The Optimization of Signed Treesâ€. In: Australas. J. Comb.
3. A. Carbonero, W. Fletcher, J. Guo, A. Gyarfas, R. Wang, and S. Yan (2022). “Crowns in linear 3-graphsâ€. In: Electron. J. Comb.
2. J. Brooks, A. Carbonero, J. Vargas, R. Florez, B. Rooney, and D. Narayan (2021). “Removing symmetry in circulant graphs and point-block incidence graphsâ€. In: MDPI Mathematics.
1. A. Carbonero, and D. Obata (2020). “The Inter-magic Spectra of Treesâ€. In: arXiv:2202.09477. To appear in J. Comb. Math. Comb. Comp.
13. Discrete Math Seminar at the University of Iowa. "The heroes of digraphs: coloring digraphs with forbidden induced subgraphs." Online. April 2023.
12. Discrete Seminar at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. "The heroes of digraphs: coloring digraphs with forbidden induced subgraphs." Online. April 2023.
11. Graph and Matroids Seminar at the University of Waterloo. "The heroes of digraphs: coloring digraphs with forbidden induced subgraphs." Ontario, Canada. April, 2023.
10. Graph and Matroids Seminar at the University of Waterloo. "An introduction to the chromatic number of a digraph." Online. June, 2022.
9. Graduate Seminar at the University of Waterloo. "A small introduction to the field of graph dynamics." Online. March, 2022.
8. 52nd Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing. "Decoding Convergence: Tracing the sequences of H-Line Graphs." Online conference. May, 2021.
7. Math For All in New Orleans. "Decoding Convergence: Tracing the sequences of H-line graphs." Online conference. March, 2021.
6. Series on Exploring Combinatorics and Number Theory III. "Properties of graphs with either convergent or divergent sequences of P -line graphs." Online conference. January, 2021.
5. Joint Mathematics Meeting. "Removing Symmetry in Circulant and Point-Block Incidence Graphs." Online conference. January, 2021.
4. Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium of UNLV. "On the structure of graphs with either convergent or divergent sequences of P -line graphs." Online. October, 2020.
3. Young Mathematicians Conference. "The Inter-magic Spectrum of Trees." Online conference. August, 2020.
2. Joint Mathematics Meeting. "Exploring Preference Orderings through Discrete Geometry." Denver, Colorado. January, 2020.
1. MAA SoCal-Nev Section Meeting. "Exploring Preference Orderings through Discrete Geometry." Las Vegas, Nevada. October, 2019.
5. AI4MAt Workshop, NeurIPS Conference. "On the importance of catalyst-adsorbate 3D interactions for relaxed energy predictions." New Orleans, Louisiana. December 2023.
4. Math Research Discovery Days at the University of Waterloo. "Predicting geometric properties of crystals via machine learning." Ontario, Canada. April, 2023.
3. Math For All in New Orleans. "Exploring Preference Orderings Through Discrete Geometry." Online conference. March, 2021.
2. Joint Mathematics Meeting. "Exploring Preference Orderings through Discrete Geometry." Denver, Colorado. Awards: Honorable mention at the undergraduate poster session. January, 2020.
1. Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium of UNLV. "Exploring Preference Orderings through Discrete Geometry." Las Vegas, Nevada. November, 2019.
- Barry Goldwater Scholar, 2020- Hispanic Society Foundation Scholarship, 2020
- Phi Kappa Phi Graduate Fellowship, 2021
- Outstanding Graduate (one of seven) at the UNLV Spring graduation ceremony, 2021
- Outstanding Student Service Award, Honors College at UNLV, 2021
- Summa Cum Laude graduation distinction at UNLV, 2021
- EM-MSIPP Postmasters Fellowship at Los Alamos National Lab, 2023