Mohit Dubey
- Program Year: 2
- Academic Institution: University of California, Berkeley
- Field of Study: Environmental Engineering
- Academic Advisor: Fotini (Tina) Chow
- Practicum(s): Practicum Not Yet Completed
- Degree(s):
M.S. Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, 2023; M.M. Classical Guitar Performance, University of Alicante, 2019; B.A. Physics, and B.M. Classical Guitar Performance, Oberlin College and Conservatory, 2018
Dubey M. L., Oyen D., Gasda P. (In Preparation) Quantification of potassium for ChemCam Mars and laboratory spectra using ensemble methods. Intended for Spectrochimica Acta Part B.Dubey M. L., Oyen D., Gasda P. Random Forests on Mars: Ensemble Methods for Enhanced ChemCam Calibration. Lunar and Planetary Science (LPSC) 2022 Conference
Dubey M. L., Jones H., Kenyon G., and Thresher A. (2019, January) Musical Source Separation from Neurally Inspired Sparse Coding. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applications of Intelligent Systems (APPIS '19)
Dubey M. L., Kenyon G., Carlson N., and Thresher A. (2017, December). Does phase matter for monaural source separation? In Proc. Workshop on Machine Learning for Audio 2017 NIPS
Dubey, M. L., Shultz, P. F., and Kenyon, G. T. (2016, March). Learning phase-rich features from streaming auditory images. In Image Analysis and Interpretation (SSIAI), 2016 IEEE Southwest Symposium on (pp. 73-76). IEEE.
Professional Talks
"Improvement of Oxide Estimation in ChemCam Data with Regularized Linear Regression" at 2021 LANL Student Symposium (virtual talk)
"Versatile Scaling for Neurally Inspired Source Separation" at:
- 2019 Applications of Intelligent Systems Conference (APPIS) (talk)
- 2018 LANL Information Science and Technology Institute Symposium (talk)
"Does Phase Matter for Monaural Source Separation?" at 2017 Oberlin Celebration of Undergraduate Research (talk)
"Learning Phase-rich Features from Streaming Auditory Images" at 2016 IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation (poster/talk)
Outreach Talks
"Introduction to Netlogo" introduction to programming for middle/high school students) at 2021 NM Supercomputing Challenge Kickoff (virtual workshop, lead)
"Gittin to Know Github" introduction to git and Github for middle/high school students at:
- 2020 NM Supercomputing Challenge Follow-up Workshop (virtual workshop, lead)
- 2020 NM Supercomputing Challenge Kickoff (virtual workshop, lead, recording, slides)
"How To Implement Problem Based Learning" given with my 1st place NM SCC team at 2020 Workshop hosted by NM Public Education Department (virtual talk)
"Netlogo 2" intermediate level agent based programming for middle/high school students at 2019, NM Supercomputing Challenge Kickoff (virtual workshop, lead)
"Music, The Mind and The Cocktail Party Problem: An Adventure in Undergraduate Research" invited talk at 2021 Institute for Computing in Research, providing research opportunities for high school students in Santa Fe, NM
"Random Forests on Mars: Ensemble Methods for Enhanced ChemCam Calibration" at 2022 Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (virtual poster session)
"Versatile Scaling for Neurally Inspired Source Separation" at 2018 LANL Student Symposium (poster)
"Does Phase Matter for Monaural Source Separation?" at 2017 Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) ML4Audio Workshop (poster)
"Multifarious Applications of Muon Tomography" at 2016 Oberlin Celebration of Undergraduate Research (poster)
"Learning Phase-rich Features from Streaming Auditory Images" at 2016 IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation (poster/talk)
Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept. Scholarship, University of California, Berkeley: 2022LANL Parallel Computing Summer Fellowship, Los Alamos National Laboratory: 2018
Shansi In-Asia Grant ($1,500), Oberlin College: 2017
Flint Initiative Grant ($2,250), Oberlin College: 2016
Launch-U Ignition Fund Grant ($250), Oberlin Creativity and Leadership: 2015
John Stern Science Scholarship, Oberlin College: 2014 -- 2018
National Merit Scholarship, National Merit Scholarship: 2014 - 2018
LANL Foundation Scholarship, Los Alamos National Laboratory: 2014
NM Supercomputing Challenge Scholarship, NM Supercomputing Challenge: 2014
Santa Fe Institute Award for Scientific Excellence, Santa Fe Institute: 2014