Benjamin Holmgren

  • Program Year: 2
  • Academic Institution: Duke University
  • Field of Study: Theoretical Computer Science
  • Academic Advisor: Pankaj K. Agarwal
  • Practicum(s): Practicum Not Yet Completed
  • Degree(s):
    B.S. Computer Science, and B.S. Mathematics, Montana State University, 2022
  • Personal URL:


'Optimal Motion Planning for Two Square Robots in a Rectilinear Environment', with P.K. Agarwal, M. de Berg, A. Steiger, M. Struijs, in Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG) 2025.

'Metric and Path-Connectedness Properties of the Frechet Distance for Paths and Graphs', with E. Chambers, B.T. Fasy, S. Majhi, and C. Wenk, in Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG) 2023.

'Path-Connectivity of Frechet Spaces of Graphs', with E. Chambers, B.T. Fasy, S. Majhi, and C. Wenk, in CG Week: Young Researcher's Forum, 2022.

'If You Must Choose Among Your Children, Pick the Right One', with B.T. Fasy, B. McCoy, and D. Millman, in Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG), 2020.

NSF 'Topology For Data Science' Workshop for Undergraduates with B.T. Fasy, (Co-authored tutorial materials, and co-organized) 2023.

(Co-authors listed in alphabetical order by last name, as is standard in CS theory)


1. Montana State University Cameron Presidential Scholarship
2. Computing Research Association Outstanding Undergraduate Award, Honorable Mention, 2021
3. MSU School of Computing Undergraduate Researcher of the Year, 2019/20
4. MSU Department of Mathematics Outstanding Graduating Senior Award, 2022
5. MSU School of Computing Best Undergraduate Capstone Award, for TopoHealth: A Lung Cancer Diagnostic AI