Nothando Khumalo

  • Program Year: 1
  • Academic Institution: University of California, Los Angeles
  • Field of Study: Theoretical Chemistry
  • Academic Advisor: Prineha Narang
  • Practicum(s): Practicum Not Yet Completed
  • Degree(s):
    B.A. Computer Science, and B.A. Italian, Bowdoin College, 2023


A Computational Understanding of the Emotional Psyche and Order in the Ballads of the Decameron: Stylometry and Natural Language Processing, Honors thesis in Italian Studies and Computer Science, Bowdoin College Digital Commons
Brookhaven Summer Research Lightning Talks, Fast and Accurate Chemistry Solutions: NWChemEx, August 2022, August 2023
Brookhaven Summer Research Presentations, Fast and Accurate Chemistry, Fast and Accurate Chemistry Solutions: NWChemEx, August 2022, August 2023

Bowdoin President's Summer Research Symposium, Binding Energy Determination of Carbon Dioxide Adsorption in M-MOF-75 with DMC Pseudopotentials, October 2021

Exascale Computing Project Annual Meeting, Fast and Accurate Chemistry Solutions: NWChemEx, January 2023


Fulbright Grant, Italy Fulbright Association, February 2023, extremely competitive grant award by the US Department of State given to 14 American students to conduct research in Italy

Honors in Italian Studies and Computer Science, Bowdoin College, May 2023, given to students who write an honors thesis in Italian Studies and Computer Science

Dante Prize in Italian Studies, Bowdoin College, May 2023, given to the best student who writes the best essay in the Italian department

Sustainable Research Pathways Fellowship, May 2022 & May 2023, competitive fellowship given to students to conduct summer research at DOE laboratories

Littlefield Chemistry Fellowship, Bowdoin College, May 2021, given to promising 5 students in the Chemistry department to conduct summer research