Tristan Maxson

  • Program Year: 3
  • Academic Institution: University of Alabama
  • Field of Study: Computational Chemistry/Catalysis
  • Academic Advisor: Tibor Szilvasi
  • Practicum(s):
    Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (2024)
  • Degree(s):
    M.S. Chemistry, Ball State University, 2021; B.S. Chemistry, Ball State University, 2019


Graph Theory Approach to Determine Configurations of Multidentate and High Coverage Adsorbates
for Heterogeneous Catalysis
S. Deshpande†, T. Maxson†, J. Greeley
npj Computational Materials 2020, 6 (79).
Impact Factor: 13.20, Citations: 7
† Contributed equally.

Halogen Bonding Between Anions: Association of Anion Radicals of Tetraiodo-Benzoquinone with
Iodide Anions.
T. Maxson, A. S. Jalilov, M. Zeller, S. V. Rosokha
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2020, 59 (39), 17197–17201.
Impact Factor: 15.34, Citations: 9

Diversity and Uniformity in Anion Complexes of Thiocyanate with Aromatic, Olefinic and
Quinoidal Acceptors.
J.Wilson, T. Maxson, I. Wright, M. Zeller, S. V. Rosokha
Dalton Transactions 2020, 49 (25), 8734–8743.
Impact Factor: 4.39, Citations: 7

Tunable Intrinsic Strain in Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Electrocatalysts.
L. Wang, Z. Zeng, W. Gao, T. Maxson, D. Raciti, M. Giroux, X. Pan, C. Wang, J. Greeley
Science 2019, 363 (6429), 870–874.
Impact Factor: 41.84, Citations: 202

The Atomic Simulation Environment-a Python Library for Working with Atoms.
A. H. Larsen, J. J. Mortensen, J. Blomqvist, I. E. Castelli, R. Christensen, M. Dułak, J. Friis, M. N.
Groves, B. Hammer, C. Hargus, E. D. Hermes, P. C. Jennings, P. B. Jensen, J. Kermode, J. R.
Kitchin, E. L. Kolsbjerg, J. Kubal, K. Kaasbjerg, S. Lysgaard, J. B. Maronsson, T. Maxson, T. Olsen,
L. Pastewka, A. Peterson, C. Rostgaard, J. Schiøtz, O. Schütt, M. Strange, K. S. Thygesen, T.
Vegge, L. Vilhelmsen, M. Walter, Z. Zeng, K. W. Jacobsen
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 2017, 29 (27), 273002.
Impact Factor: 2.33, Citations: 1497

T. Maxson
Master's Thesis Defense

Exploring the effects of doping on the photocatalysis by transition metal tungstates
Tristan Maxson (Presenter), Enya Uchral, Dr. Tykhon Zubkov, Dr. Zhihai Li
2021 Spring National ACS Conference, Poster presentation (online)

Novel Polarization Induced Anion-Anion Radical Bonding of Tetraiodo-p-benzoquinone with
Iodide Anions
Tristan Maxson (Presenter), Dr. Sergiy Rosokha
2020 4th International Symposium on Halogen Bonding, Poster presentation (online)

Graph theory-based method for understanding complex adsorbate configurations on
model catalytic surfaces
Tristan Maxson (Presenter), Siddharth Deshpande, Dr. Jeffrey Greeley
2020 Fall National ACS Conference, Poster presentation (online)

Semiconductor-Independent Effect of pH on the Growth of Photodeposited Silver Nanoparticles
Tristan Maxson (Presenter), Mike Collins, Dr. Tykhon Zubkov
2019 Spring National ACS Conference, Poster presentation in Orlando.


I was awarded the Outstanding Graduate Student in Teaching award for teaching Instrumentation by the Ball State Chemistry Department in May 2021. I was also awarded the Recognition of Significant Scientific Accomplishments at the Graduate Level by the Ball State Graduate School for my publications and conference presentations.