Alex Negron
- Program Year: 1
- Academic Institution: Princeton University
- Field of Study: Mathematics
- Academic Advisor: Boris Hanin
- Practicum(s): Practicum Not Yet Completed
- Degree(s):
B.S. Applied Mathematics and B.S. Statistics, Illinois Institute of Technology, 2023 - Personal URL: http://alexnegron.com
Negron, A., Getz, M.P., Handy, G. and Doiron, B. “The mechanics of correlated variability in segregated cortical excitatory subnetworks,†bioRxiv 2023.04.25.538323. In review at The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. (2023)Negron, A., Kovchegov, Y., Pertel, C. and Wang, C. “Extensions of true skew- ness for unimodal distributions,†arXiv:2209.11139. In review at The Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice. (2022)
“External multi-particle DLA on the plane and connections to the super-cooled Stefan problem.†Report prepared for Illinois Institute of Technology undergraduate summer research grant. (2021)
“Scaling limits of external multi-particle DLA on the plane and the supercooled Stefan problem,†Nadtochiy, S., Shkolnikov, M., and Zhang, X, arXiv:2102.09040. Accepted at Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincare. [Contributed code to produce figures and motivate theorems.]
“Temporal normalizing flows: application to estimating distributions of intracel- lular molecular motors.†Report prepared for RES-MATCH: Pritzker Institute of Biomedical Science and Engineering. (2020)
Negron, A.,“Diffusion-limited aggregation and the super-cooled Stefan problem in the plane: numerical study of scaling limits.†Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium, (held virtually). Oral presentation. (2021)
Negron, A., “Robust estimation method for time-varying distributions of intracellular molecular motors.†RES-MATCH Symposium, Pritzker Institute of Biomedical Science and Engineering - Illinois Institute of Technology, (held virtually). Oral presentation. (2020)
Negron, A., Getz, M.P., Handy, G. and Doiron, B. “The nature of correlated variability in segregated cortical excitatory subpopulations.†Computational and Systems Neuroscience Conference (COSYNE), Montreal, Canada. Poster presentation. (2023)
Negron, A., Getz, M.P., Handy, G. and Doiron, B. “The nature of correlated variability in segregated cortical excitatory subpopulations.†Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA. Poster presentation. (2022)
Negron, A., Getz, M.P., Handy, G. and Doiron, B. “The nature of correlated variability in segregated cortical excitatory subpopulations.†Simons Foundation Collaboration on the Global Brain Undergraduate Research Symposium, New York, NY. Poster presentation. (2022)
Negron, A., Pertel, C.and Wang, C.“Extensions of true skewness for unimodal distributions.†American Mathematical Society Joint Mathematics Meeting, Seattle, WA (held virtually). Poster presentation. (2022)
Negron, A., Pertel, C.and Wang, C.“Extensions of true skewness for unimodal distributions.†Young Mathematicians Conference at Ohio State University, (held virtually). Poster presentation. (2021)
Awards:K. Lisa Yang Post-baccalaureate Research Fellowship, MIT, 2022-2024
Simons Foundation Collaboration on the Global Brain Shenoy Undergraduate Research Fellowship, University of Chicago, 2021-2022
American Mathematical Society Travel Grant, 2022
Illinois Louis Stokes STEM Pathway and Research Fellowship, 2021-2022
Illinois Institute of Technology Undergraduate Summer Research Grant, 2021
Discovery Partners Institute Research Scholar, 2021-2022
CME Group Foundation Scholarship, 2020-2022
Pritzker Biomedical Sciences Institute RES-MATCH Grant, 2020
Best Talk and Best Overall Presentation, Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium 2021
Dean's List, Illinois Institute of Technology 2019-2022