Maxwell Paik

  • Program Year: 1
  • Academic Institution: New York University
  • Field of Study: Computer Graphics
  • Academic Advisor: Daniele Panozzo, Denis Zorin
  • Practicum(s): Practicum Not Yet Completed
  • Degree(s):
    B.A. Computer Science and Physics, Northwestern University, 2023
  • Personal URL:

Summary of Research

Inverse problems aim to find models that reproduce or explain observed data. Cutting-edge methods in this area solve computational simulations of otherwise prohibitively complex phenomena. Finding solutions in this large space requires huge numbers of simulations, an already expensive process made intractable by existing tools’ reliance on extensive manual tuning of input data and algorithmic settings. My research aims to enable simulations for inverse problems through automatic (requiring no user intervention), robust (handling extreme physical conditions accurately), and performant (distributed and GPU-accelerated) numerical schemes. I focus specifically on methods for elastodynamic simulation of complex geometries and contact.


Huang Z, Paik M, Ferguson Z, Panozzo D, Zorin D. "Orientation-aware Incremental Potential Contact," Submitted for publication. 2024.

Rohoza V, Lalakos A, Paik M, Chatterjee K, Liska M, Tchekhovskoy S, Gottlieb O. "How to turn Jets into Cylinders near Supermassive Black Holes in 3D GRMHD Simulations," The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 963, Number 1. 2024.

Paik M, Rohoza V, Lalakos A, Chatterjee K, Tchekhovskoy S, Liska M. "Shaping Jets with the Ambient Medium," Growing Black Holes: Accretion and Mergers 2022, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Rohoza V, Paik M, Lalakos A, Chatterjee K, Tchekhovskoy S, Liska M. "How to Turn Jets into Cylinders," Growing Black Holes: Accretion and Mergers 2022, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Seper BC, Arora S, Paik M, Driscoll M. "Dimples and Voids in Dense Drying Drops," American Physical Society March Meeting 2022, Chicago, Illinois.

Seper BC, Arora S, Paik M, Driscoll M. "Drying Colloidal Suspensions: Simple Patterns and Complex Flows," American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics (Fall) 2021.

Paik M, Driscoll M. "Computer Vision Algorithms for Analyzing Drying Colloidal Suspensions," Northwestern Undergraduate Research Exposition 2021 (Poster).


MacCracken Fellowship, 2023
Phi Beta Kappa, Inducted 2023
Gates Cambridge Scholarship Nominee, 2023
Sigma Pi Sigma, Inducted 2022
Baker Award, awarded by the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences in support of summer research, 2021
Illinois Space Grant, awarded by the Illinois Space Grant Consortium, 2021
Academic Year Undergraduate Research Grant, awarded by the Northwestern Office of
Undergraduate Research, 2020
Summer Undergraduate Research Grant, awarded by the Northwestern Office of
Undergraduate Research, 2020
Northwestern University Dean's List, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023