Gabriel Rios
- Program Year: 2
- Academic Institution: Princeton University
- Field of Study: Atmospheric Science
- Academic Advisor: Gabriel Vecchi
- Practicum(s):
Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico (2024) - Degree(s):
M.E. Mechanical Engineering, The City College of New York, 2022; B.E. Mechanical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, 2018 - Personal URL: https://mr-gabrielrios.github.io/
Summary of Research
Tropical cyclones (TCs) are powerful phenomena that pose significant risks to public health and infrastructure. Projections of TC activity are crucial to understand their future impacts and associated risk mitigation and prevention strategies. These projections are made using global climate models (GCMs). As climate changes, GCMs show that tropical cyclone activity will increase, although there is large uncertainty in these projections.My research aims to decompose TCs into their component physical processes and evaluate GCM performance in representing these processes in past climates. The goal of this research is to identify potential improvements in GCM representation of component processes to minimize uncertainty and increase confidence in TC activity projections.
5. Rios, G., Ramamurthy, P., Gamarro, H.: Boundary layer structure and dynamics over New York City during extreme heat events. Submitted to Theoretical and Applied Climatology.4. Rios, G., Ramamurthy, P., Gamarro, H.: Boundary layer structure and dynamics over New York City during extreme heat events. Submitted to Theoretical and Applied Climatology.
3. Rios, G. and Ramamurthy, P., 2022: Turbulence in the mixed layer over an urban area: a New York City case study. Boundary Layer Meteorology
2. Rios, G. and Ramamurthy, P., 2022: A novel model to estimate sensible heat fluxes in urban areas using satellite-derived data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 270. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2021.112880.
1. Rios, G., Morrison, R.J., Song, Y., Fernando, S.J., Wootten, C., Gelbard, A. and Luo, H., 2020: Computational Fluid Dynamics
Analysis of Surgical Approaches to Bilateral Vocal Fold Immobility. The Laryngoscope, 130: E57-E64. https://doi.org/10.1002/lary.27925.
7. Ramamurthy, P., Rahman, MD K., Rios, G.: Observations of coastal-urban boundary layer characteristics. AMS 103rd Annual Meeting, 11 Jan 2023, Denver, CO.
6. Ramamurthy, P., Rios, G.: Observations of urban boundary layer characteristics during extreme heat episodes. AGU Fall
Meeting 2022, 14 Dec 2022, A35M-1642, Chicago, IL.
5. Rios, G. and Ramamurthy, P.: Boundary layer structure and dynamics over New York City during extreme heat events, 2nd Annual NYS Mesonet Symposium, 13-14 Sep 2022, Albany, NY.
4. Rios, G. and Ramamurthy, P.: Estimating Urban Sensible Heat Flux using Satellite-Based Data, 10th Biennial NOAA EPP/MSI Education and Science Forum, 6-8 Apr 2022, Tallahassee, FL.
3. Rios, G., Ramamurthy, P., Arend, M.: Observations of urban boundary layer characteristics during extreme heat episodes, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 13-17 Dec 2021, B15G-1507, 2021.
2. Rios, G. and Ramamurthy, P.: Estimating Urban Sensible Heat Flux using Satellite-Based Data, EGU General Assembly 2021, 1930 Apr 2021, EGU21-6079, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6079, 2021, online.
1. Rios, G. and Luo, H., 2020: Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Surgical Approaches to Bilateral Vocal Fold Immobility, Vanderbilt Institute for Surgery and Engineering Assembly, 26 Apr 2018, Nashville, TN.
- DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship; Apr 2023- Princeton University President's Fellowship; Apr 2022
- GEM Ph.D. Engineering and Science Fellowship; Apr 2022
- NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, Honorable Mention; Apr 2022
- NOAA-CESSRST Professional Development Award; Apr 2021
- NOAA-CESSRST Graduate Fellowship; Aug 2020