Kathlynn Simotas
- Program Year: 2
- Academic Institution: University of California, Santa Barbara
- Field of Study: Astrophysics
- Academic Advisor: Joseph Hennawi
- Practicum(s): Practicum Not Yet Completed
- Degree(s):
M.A. Music, Science, and Technology, Stanford University, 2022; B.S. Physics with Honors, and B.A. Music, Stanford University, 2021
Modeling Brightest Central Galaxy Magnitudes and Magnitude Gaps as Formation History TracersStanford University Honors Thesis, 2021
Where's the Bootes? A Distance Measurement of the Bootes I Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy with RR Lyrae Periods
Stanford Physics Department Physics, 2021
Investigating the Minimum Audible Angle Thresholds of Ambisonic Binaurally-Rendered Virtual Acoustic Environments
Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics, Stanford University 2020
Quantifying Projection Effects and Orientation Bias for Optically Selected Cluster Samples
LSST Project and Community Workshop, 2019
OMG! More Binaries: New Radial Velocity Orbits to Constrain Moving Group Ages
Stanford Undergraduate Research Program, 2018
Departmental Honors in Physics Stanford University, 2021UC Santa Barbara Chancellor's Fellowship 2023-present