Michael Walker
- Program Year: 2
- Academic Institution: Princeton University
- Field of Study: Fluid Mechanics
- Academic Advisor: Michael Mueller
- Practicum(s): Practicum Not Yet Completed
- Degree(s):
M.Phil. Fluid Mechanics, University of Cambridge, 2019; B.S. Mechanical Engineering, U.S. Naval Academy, 2018 - Personal URL: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelduncanwalker/
Summary of Research
It brings me great joy to study the theory of turbulence. I am fascinated by certain open questions and am interested in developing answers by relying on mathematical analysis, computer simulation, and engagement with experimentalists. Underlying topics that I hope to investigate are high-intensity turbulence, complex flame chemistry, and numerical boundary conditions in the context of direct numerical simulation (DNS).DNS requires the spatial and temporal scales of turbulent structures to be fully resolved. Even at relatively low Reynolds numbers, DNS calculations can require resolution between 5 and 20 million nodes in the flow field and 250 to 400 hours of compute. Typically, required computational resources scale with the cube of the physical volume of the simulated space. Thus, not only are models expensive, but it is difficult to perform simulations of large, real-world objects. I hope to use approaches in information theory to reduce such demand.
As a submarine officer in the U.S. Navy, I am highly interested in the broad applications of robust turbulence modeling. In the maritime domain, mastery of computational fluid dynamics is critical to maintaining American advantage in nuclear propulsion and undersea warfare. In the context of climate change and an energy crisis, it is evident that continued study of the fundamentals of fluid mechanics will reveal answers. Multi-phase and reacting flows are pertinent in domestic stoves, automotive engines and gas turbines, as well as to nuclear detonations, flow through nuclear cores, and type 1A supernovae.
JOURNAL PUBLICATIONSWalker, M., 2019. "A Review of Turbulent Burning Velocity and a Spectral Theory for Turbulent Flame Propagation." Master's Thesis, Churchill College, University of Cambridge (UK).
Walker, M., Kelso, R., Bowes, K., Hamilton, L., Luning Prak, D., & Cowart, J., 2018. "Partially Premixed Combustion Application for Diesel Power Improvement." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. 2018;140(9):092801-092801-8. doi:10.1115/1.4039809.
Walker, M., & Krusz, A. 2018. "There's A Case for Diesel." United States Naval Institute Proceedings Magazine. 144(6) 1,384. June 2018.
Walker, M., Nivarti, G., Hochgreb, S., & Cant, R. S., 2019. "A Spectral Theory for Turbulent Burning Velocity at Small Scales." The Combustion Institute. 9th European Combustion Meeting (ECM 2019). Lisbon, Portugal. (pending)
Walker, M., 2018. "A Partially Premixed Combustion Application for Power Improvement in Military Diesel Engines." Defense Technical Information Center. U.S.N.A. Trident Scholar Project Report; no. 474 (2018), USNA-1531-2.
Walker, M., Hamilton L., Luning Prak, D. & Cowart, J. 2018. "Increasing High Load Engine Power with Advanced Combustion Modes." Society of Automotive Engineers Technical Paper. doi:10.4271/2018-01-0903. Detroit, MI.
Walker, M., Luning Prak, D. Hamilton, L., & Cowart, J. 2018. "High Load Diesel Engine-Generator Power Improvement with Advanced Combustion Modes." The Combustion Institute. 2018 ESSCI Spring Technical Meeting 36IC-0095, State College, PA.
Walker, M., Kelso, R., Bowes, K., Hamilton, L., Luning Prak, D., & Cowart, J. "Partially Premixed Combustion Application for Diesel Power Improvement." ASME. Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference, Volume 1: Large Bore Engines; Fuels; Advanced Combustion ():V001T03A005. doi:10.1115/ICEF2017-3544.
Cowart, J., Bowes, K., Walker, M., Hamilton, L., & Luning Prak, D. "Homogenous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) Operation With Jet Fuel and Water Injection in a Single Cylinder Diesel CFR Engine." ASME. Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference, Volume 1: Large Bore Engines; Fuels; Advanced Combustion ():V001T03A016. doi:10.1115/ICEF2017-3653.
Awards-Naval Submarine League Tactical Excellence Award (2021)
-Winston Churchill Scholarship (2018): Chosen 1 of 15 students nationwide; first graduate of the Naval Academy selected since 1968.
-Chief of Naval Operations Distinguished Midshipman Graduate Award (2018)
-George H. W. Bush Public Service Scholarship (2015)
-Professional Engineer (PE) Mechanical: Thermal and Fluid Systems, licensed in Texas
-Project Management Professional (PMP)
-Active TOP SECRET (TS/SCI) security clearance