Praneeta Nalluri

Summary of Research

Prani Nalluri (they/them) is a PhD student in Applied Mathematics at Columbia University. Their primary interest is in using machine learning to improve computational models of oceanographic systems. More specifically, they intend to do so by improving parameterizations of turbulent processes at submeso- and meso-scales in the ocean. Currently, they are working on a project that uses machine learning to parametrize the effect of small-scale air-sea interactions on large-scale ocean dynamics.

Nalluri works with climate scientists and oceanographers across the northeast. The primary way they do so is by splitting their time between Columbia and the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. They also are a part of M2LInES (Multiscale Machine Learning In Coupled Earth System Modeling) and LEAP (Learning the Earth with Artificial Intelligence and Physics), both of which conduct research at the intersection of artificial intelligence and earth system modeling.

Before attending Columbia University, Nalluri graduated with honors from Rice University with a Bachelor in Arts in Computational Applied Mathematics.


High order entropy stable schemes for the quasi-one-dimensional shallow water and compressible Euler equations, Journal of Computational Physics. Chan, J., Shukla, K., Wu, X., Liu, R., Nalluri, P. July 2023.

TROPHY: Trust Region Optimization using a Precision Hierarchy, International Conference on Computational Science. Clancy, R., Menickelly, M., Hueckelheim, J., Hovland, P., Nalluri, P, Gjini, R. June 2022.

Unique Variant of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Dural Sinus Stenting, International Journal of Neuroscience. Alvarado, A., Nalluri, P., Alvarado, A., Reeves, A., Abraham, M. March 2020.


National Merit Scholar, 2019

Goldwater Scholarship Nominee, 2021

US Presidential Scholar, 2019

Rice Presidential Honor Roll, 2019-2023

Columbia Provost Diversity Fellowship, 2023

Columbia Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics Bakhmeteff Fellowship, 2023