Fellows, alumni and friends joined DOE laboratory and headquarters staff in Berkeley, California, June 23-25 for the 2014 DOE NNSA SSGF Annual Program Review. With the multi-day meeting being held in the San Francisco Bay area, fellows also toured nearby Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, including access to the National Ignition Facility.
A benefit of the fellowship, the annual program review provides a unique opportunity to connect people from a variety of disciplines and organizations, all while serving to build and strengthen relationships that will last a lifetime.
- Presentations by each of the fellows completing their fellowship in 2014
- Insight from alumni now working in DOE laboratories
- An overview of student research via the Fellows’ Poster Session
- Information regarding practicum, postdoc and employment opportunities via the DOE Laboratory Poster Session
- A workshop designed to offer hands-on instruction for improving research poster design and presentation
- Opportunities to network with program fellows, alumni, academic faculty and DOE NNSA laboratory leaders